tickets #25486
closedNew voting system helios
Hello admins,
as we are closing to openSUSE Board elections we need to get
replacement for opensuse connect running. We decided to go ahead with
[1] which should offer all the required things.
For that we will need running virtual machine and helios setup and
later on managed instead of the connect.
Please be aware that the elections are in January and we should do some
test rounds before. Which makes this ticket quite urgent.
Updated by TBro over 7 years ago
- Estimated time set to 4.00 h
Reading this it sounds do-able - but is somebody maybe so helpful and willing in community to provide an RPM for this?
This would make things way easier and even more reliable - which is maybe not worst option for a VOTING system.
best regards,
Updated by tampakrap about 7 years ago
- Category set to Servers hosted in NBG
- Assignee set to tampakrap
Updated by scarabeus_iv about 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
We get running system:
It is built from packages:
Now steps that remain and I won't have time to implement in following few weeks so as discussed on board meeting it needs to be done:
1) glue it to SUSE ichain login (should be fine as there is openid/oauth present)
2) Get list of current members from connect and make helios allow login/voting only to people on this list somehow
Updated by tampakrap about 7 years ago
- Estimated time deleted (
4.00 h)
one more thing needs to be done:
3) use uwsgi instead of python runserver
that is currently running
Updated by tampakrap about 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from tampakrap to cboltz
Updated by cboltz almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Helios is up and running - even fully salted :-) (with the exception of initializing the database, see the comment in the salt code)