action #19996
[tools][sprint 201712.2] Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers`
Added by SLindoMansilla over 7 years ago.
Updated about 7 years ago.
Feature requests
User story¶
I want to see only online workers by defalt on the workers page in the webui, to make it easier to find the workers I need.
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Opening the page
I only see by default the online workers. But I see an option (button or link) to show all registered workers .
- AC2: Enabling the option to see all registered workers, I am able to see all the registered workers.
- Modify the page
to show only online workers.
- Add to page an option to show all the registered workers (like button, checkbox or link)
- Modify the page
to show all registered workers, when the option "show all registered workers" is enabled.
The 'easier to find the workers' issue is not going to be fixed by that because we still have 150 workers online at best. But the /admin/worker page is currently broken. It's supposed to come with a search field to filter.
- Category set to 124
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to Ready
the workers list is a mess atm - and fixing it sounds like a good entrance level issue
And having a checkbox to filter online hosts sounds like a useful addition, but still filtering and pagination is a must with the number of workers we have
- Related to coordination #27832: [epic][tools][sprint 201712.2][bonus] Revamping of /admin/workers added
- Related to action #25766: [tools][sprint 201712.1][bonus] Displaying all Worker status by calling Websocket DBus service in the WebUI list is overkill added
- Assignee set to EDiGiacinto
Adding #25766 since it's related to the same area (displaying online machines)
Assigning to current sprint (201712.1)
- Subject changed from Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers` to [tools] Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers`
- Target version changed from Ready to Current Sprint
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Subject changed from [tools] Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers` to [tools][sprint 201712.2] Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers`
- Target version changed from Current Sprint to Done
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