tickets #19356
closedmerge opensuse-wiki ML into opensuse-web
Hi Per,
we just discussed the mailinglists in the board meeting and decided that the opensuse-wiki and opensuse-web mailinglist should be merged (into opensuse-web). They are both low-traffic and have very similar goals and audiences.
Please move all users from the opensuse-wiki mailinglist to the opensuse-web mailinglist and then shut down the opensuse-wiki mailinglist.
It's probably a good idea to send an announcement to both lists when doing the merge ;-)
Updated by AdaLovelace over 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from communication to tickets
Updated by pjessen almost 7 years ago
- Due date set to 2018-05-16
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Sorry about the long wait.
opensuse-wiki has 227 subscribers. I will send a notice that we intend to merge opensuse-wiki into opensuse-web, then wait for a week and submit subscribe requests for opensuse-web.
Updated by pjessen almost 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 20 to 50
cd /var/spool/mlmmj/opensuse-wiki
cat nom*.d/? | xargs printf "/usr/bin/mlmmj-unsub -L /var/spool/mlmmj/opensuse-wiki -a %s -c -n\n"
cat nom*.d/? | xargs printf "/usr/bin/mlmmj-sub -L /var/spool/mlmmj/opensuse-web -a %s -C -n -s\n"
cat sub*.d/? | xargs printf "/usr/bin/mlmmj-unsub -L /var/spool/mlmmj/opensuse-wiki -a %s -c -N\n"
cat sub*.d/? | grep -v '' | xargs printf "/usr/bin/mlmmj-sub -L /var/spool/mlmmj/opensuse-web -a %s -C -s\n"
2018/05/18 - 24 nomail subscribers removed, 201 regular subscribers removed. Corresponding subscription invites sent for opensuse-web.
Theo, we should probably update the virtual maps, remove entries for 'opensuse-wiki'.
Updated by pjessen almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-05-16 to 2018-06-08
- Assignee changed from pjessen to cboltz
Christian, I have just discovered another list 'opensuse-wiki-de'. What do you want to do with that one?
Updated by cboltz almost 7 years ago
Am Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2018, 14:08:35 CEST schrieb
Issue #19356 has been updated by pjessen.
Christian, I have just discovered another list 'opensuse-wiki-de'.
What do you want to do with that one?
Good question ;-) shows that it didn't have
any traffic since a year, and had a two year break before. IMHO we don't
need it anymore (and should point people to the opensuse-de
Sarah, you are more active in the german wiki - what's your opinion on
the opensuse-wiki-de list?
Christian Boltz¶
Was ist ein "umbrella bug"?
Eine Regenschirm-Wanze ;-)
[> Al Bogner und Andreas Winkelmann in suse-linux]
Updated by AdaLovelace almost 7 years ago
We don't have many contributors in the German wiki. And most German people in the wiki are using the German translation mailing list. So we can merge the German wiki mailing list with the translation mailing list.
The reason: The German wiki is a translation of the English wiki.
Updated by pjessen almost 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from cboltz to pjessen
Just to make sure - I merge opensuse-wiki-de into opensuse-translation-de?
Christian or Sarah, would one of you write a quick message to post to opensuse-wiki-de, "Tschüss and thanks for all the fish" ...
Updated by tampakrap almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed