action #177817
opencoordination #162539: [saga][epic] future ideas version for version control features within openQA
coordination #162551: [epic] Extend needle version control handling - part 2
Add a way to show needles with correct version from remote forges e.g. github by hotlinking them from githubusercontent or equivalent configurable URL mappings size:S
- suggestions of popular forges
- gitlab
- gitea / forgejo
- cgit
Allow the openqa instance admin to add additional custom mappings via openqa.ini / via the .d directory:
regex=... # use a regex with named captures
Acceptance Criteria¶
- AC1: Needles from a remote GitHub instance are hotlinked in the steps view
- AC2: URL mappings for different forges can be customized
- Provide a default config in the code (which can be customized, see examples below)
- Fallback to current behavior if there's no mapping for a specific forge
- Proof of Concept:
- Document this behavior including how to configure forge mappings
- Document how to enable "raw" URLs on the remote (at least one easy example?)
- Consider improving the source view code which currently hardcodes how the link to github is put together
Updated by dheidler 4 days ago
- Copied from action #162035: Support development of "Use needles from correct ref of NEEDLES_DIR" size:M added
Updated by dheidler 4 days ago
- Subject changed from Add a way to show needles with correct version from remote github by hotlinking them from githubusercontent to Add a way to show needles with correct version from remote forges e.g. github by hotlinking them from githubusercontent or equivalent configurable URL mappings [size:S]
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by dheidler 4 days ago
Another suggestion:
Consider if it makes sense to reuse parts of the code for URL generation that redirects the user here according to the CASEDIR setting:
Updated by okurz 4 days ago
- Subject changed from Add a way to show needles with correct version from remote forges e.g. github by hotlinking them from githubusercontent or equivalent configurable URL mappings [size:S] to Add a way to show needles with correct version from remote forges e.g. github by hotlinking them from githubusercontent or equivalent configurable URL mappings size:S
Updated by tinita 3 days ago
- Description updated (diff)
Consider if it makes sense to reuse parts of the code for URL generation that redirects the user here according to the CASEDIR setting:
Yeah. Actually that code is pretty limited to currently, so it could probably be improved to use the new mapping as well