coordination #163316
open[epic] Update migrations scenarios for SLE 15 SP7
Start date:
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% Done:
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(Total: 0.00 h)
This epic is to trace the effort to update our test suites in migration job groups to work with SLE 15 SP7, with the latest product according to PRD or any other change we need to do in migration job groups.
We should get to some conclusion regarding possible improvements to make it even more light next time (if there is SP8), but it should go substantially better than from SP5->SP6 or before where we had to do a lot of renaming.
We should include the update of the migration matrix as well.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Track all the effort done to update migration scenarios in any of our migration job groups from SP6 to SP7
Updated by JERiveraMoya 8 months ago
- Subject changed from [epic] Update migrations for SLE 15 SP7 to [epic] Update migrations scenarios for SLE 15 SP7
- Description updated (diff)