



action #162515


coordination #161168: [epic] Support hooks for obs-sync plugin

[timeboxed:20h][spike solution] Adaptable product scheduling in openqa-trigger-from-obs size:S

Added by mkittler 8 months ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Feature requests
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



As findings in #161879#note-6 reveal, the change to make scheduling more dynamically needs to be done in openqa-trigger-from-obs directly (as the openQA sync plugin is just a script runner and frontend). There are various ways to influence the job scheduling, e.g. adding support for invoking a hook script which could again be done on various levels/places. One could alter the script generator ( directly to change the generated scripts or one could alter as shown in It is also questionable whether we still want to top-level script generator ( The point is: There are many options to discuss/explore. If we just make it print "Hello world" somehow/somewhere as a first step this is not going to help us find what we need to solve the actual problem.

Acceptance criteria

  • AC1: We know what we need to change in our current mechanism for triggering tests in the light of #159828.
  • AC2: We know who (which team) is going to change what parts.


Related issues 2 (1 open1 closed)

Related to openQA Project (public) - action #164454: Dynamic schedule with logic executed by "products post" before job templates are evaluatedNew2024-07-25

Copied to openQA Project (public) - action #164388: [timeboxed:20h][spike solution] Adaptable product scheduling in openqa-trigger-from-obs - take 2Rejectedokurz2024-06-19

Actions #1

Updated by mkittler 8 months ago

  • Tracker changed from coordination to action
Actions #2

Updated by okurz 8 months ago

  • Subject changed from [timeboxed:20h][spike solution] Adaptable product scheduling in openqa-trigger-from-obs to [timeboxed:20h][spike solution] Adaptable product scheduling in openqa-trigger-from-obs size:S
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to Workable
Actions #3

Updated by mkittler 7 months ago

We discussed this at the workshop. The actually identified 3 places where we could invoke the hook script:

  1. as my previous PR has already shown.
  2. Inside the server-side scheduling logic of openQA. It could take another special parameter HOOKSCRIPT=… and run that script server-side.
  3. By openqa-cli which could take another parameter --hook-script and would call this script with all test variables specified on the command-line. The script can then amend this list of test variables before openqa-cli makes the actual API request.

Option 3. sounded the most promising.

Actions #4

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago

talk to Santi yesterday and from my understanding what he is looking for seeing at the moment is just that running the openqa-trigger-from-obs's script will just go through a set of other (hook) scripts which will expand the output (openqa-cli). Having said that, no condition are given for when the hook will apply. He thinks of this functionality behaving similar to git-hooks.

Actions #5

Updated by szarate 7 months ago

mkittler wrote in #note-3:

We discussed this at the workshop. The actually identified 3 places where we could invoke the hook script:

  1. as my previous PR has already shown.
  2. Inside the server-side scheduling logic of openQA. It could take another special parameter HOOKSCRIPT=… and run that script server-side.
  3. By openqa-cli which could take another parameter --hook-script and would call this script with all test variables specified on the command-line. The script can then amend this list of test variables before openqa-cli makes the actual API request.

Option 3. sounded the most promising.

option 3 sounds nice.

  • while/when working on the implementation: remember you can always ask me
Actions #6

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to ybonatakis
Actions #7

Updated by openqa_review 7 months ago

  • Due date set to 2024-07-23

Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools

Actions #8

Updated by livdywan 7 months ago · Edited

It would be good to propose a PR with the --hook-script as mentioned in jitsi and either ask for feedback in Slack or conduct a pair programming session as suggested

Actions #9

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago · Edited

What I tried today:

there is -D option in openqa-cli (activated with -f)
for example perl -I lib script/openqa-cli api -f -D ../hook/twdata.json --pretty --host -X POST isos
where hook/twdata.json looks like


I was thinking to extend lib/OpenQA/CLI/ with --hook-scripts which when it is set it will leverage this option + take data from args to trigger custom jobs.

I didnt manage to implement anything so far.
Very likely, @szarate will have time tomorrow for a pair session.

Actions #11

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago · Edited

Today at the programming session with @szarate we defined the interface and tested the idea.

The idea

Original call:

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos BETA=1

Script post_foobar is called| it removed BETA=1

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos FOO=BAR

Script post_hello_world is called | it added HELLO=WORLD

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos FOO=BAR HELLO=WORLD

Invoke all together. Should be also possible

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set -f -D data.json --host -X POST isos HELLO=WORLD

The interface

the openqa_cli can take two additional parameters. One will enable scripts to run before the data format and the second after.
The scripts can be separated per folders, which will contain both sorts of scripts, and which they will be distiguished by a prefix.

  - pre_<script_name>
  - post_<another_or_the_same_name>

So the interface will define:
--pre-script-hook <path_to/awesome_scripts_set>
--post-script-hook <path_to/awesome_scripts_set>

I moved on with the code which is tested for a hello_world script. Despite this ticket is not for the full implementation I think, what we have so far It is enough to move one with the idea. I still have to push the changes but I got a bit obsessed with some ideas.

AC status

AC1: We know what we need to change in our current mechanism for triggering tests in the light of #159828.
I think it is more clear now.
We agree with Santi to move on with the changes on openqa_cli and then continue with the integration of the result on openqa-trigger-from-obs.

AC2: We know who (which team) is going to change what parts.
So we have three main tasks:

  • openqa_cli is on qatools
  • openqa-trigger-from-obs is likely possible to be done by qatools
  • scripts by core-team. But I think that there need a template which is something which both teams can collaborate and provide.

Actually this last is what I am experiment with atm.
I will push/update PR asap

Actions #12

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

on feedback based on last comment

Actions #13

Updated by okurz 7 months ago

ybonatakis wrote in #note-11:

Today at the programming session with @szarate we defined the interface and tested the idea.

The idea

Original call:

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos BETA=1

Script post_foobar is called| it removed BETA=1

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos FOO=BAR

Script post_hello_world is called | it added HELLO=WORLD

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set --host -X POST isos FOO=BAR HELLO=WORLD

Invoke all together. Should be also possible

openqa-cli api --post-script-hook hook/awesome_scripts_set -f -D data.json --host -X POST isos HELLO=WORLD

The interface

the openqa_cli can take two additional parameters. One will enable scripts to run before the data format and the second after.
The scripts can be separated per folders, which will contain both sorts of scripts, and which they will be distiguished by a prefix.

What do you mean "run before the data format"?


  - pre_<script_name>
  - post_<another_or_the_same_name>

So the interface will define:
--pre-script-hook <path_to/awesome_scripts_set>
--post-script-hook <path_to/awesome_scripts_set>

I moved on with the code which is tested for a hello_world script. Despite this ticket is not for the full implementation I think, what we have so far It is enough to move one with the idea. I still have to push the changes but I got a bit obsessed with some ideas.

And what do the hook scripts offer what can not be done by test variables passed in the same invocation?

AC status

AC1: We know what we need to change in our current mechanism for triggering tests in the light of #159828.
I think it is more clear now.
We agree with Santi to move on with the changes on openqa_cli and then continue with the integration of the result on openqa-trigger-from-obs.

The relevant question I have here is how the hook scripts would be discovered from openqa-trigger-from-obs?

AC2: We know who (which team) is going to change what parts.
So we have three main tasks:

  • openqa_cli is on qatools
  • openqa-trigger-from-obs is likely possible to be done by qatools

What is "qatools"? I guess you mean "SUSE QE Tools"? Assuming that following on I wonder what do you mean with "openqa-trigger-from-obs is […] to be done by [SUSE QE Tools]"?

  • scripts by core-team. But I think that there need a template which is something which both teams can collaborate and provide.

With scripts do you mean "openqa-cli hook scripts"? If yes then the idea would be that they live in "openqa-trigger-from-obs"

Actions #14

Updated by livdywan 7 months ago · Edited

  1. By openqa-cli which could take another parameter --hook-script and would call this script with all test variables specified on the command-line. The script can then amend this list of test variables before openqa-cli makes the actual API request.

Discussed this briefly on Jitsi. So apparently implements this proposal.

An open question is how that would be used in production. So please provide a pull request showing how to use this.

Actions #15

Updated by ybonatakis 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

I tried to provide the integration but I wanted to work first on openqa-cli.
My problem was trying to pass the @data into the hook script with open my $fh, '-|', "./$hook_path @args";
This was failing with

sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `./hook/superscript/post_testme HASH(0x562552eab240)'```

As the time limit of 20h was over, I will close this.
The next step as discussed is to let Oli take over and discuss the findings with Santi to come up with the final requirements, according the discussion and the work from Marius and the latest PR from this ticket
Actions #16

Updated by okurz 6 months ago

  • Copied to action #164388: [timeboxed:20h][spike solution] Adaptable product scheduling in openqa-trigger-from-obs - take 2 added
Actions #17

Updated by okurz 6 months ago

  • Due date deleted (2024-07-23)
Actions #18

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Related to action #164454: Dynamic schedule with logic executed by "products post" before job templates are evaluated added

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