action #15846
closed[tools][dashboard]Show job relation on '/tests'
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User story¶
As a user of '/tests' looking at jobs with relations, I want to directly see the relations so that I do not need to check each job in detail
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: (see below)
- AC2: Additionally to icons showing that there are job relations the job relations themselves should be shown
- DONE: Check if the information to the dependency is available on the template implementation -> yes, they are available
- DONE: if the information is available, make use of it to point to the dependant job directly -> actually has been there in before with a highlighting effect
- DONE: First test already present highlighting effect on hover -> gh#os-autoinst/openQA#1156
- DONE: Improve documentation of highlighting effect -> gh#os-autoinst/openQA#1156
- Improve highlighting for relatives on different pages
further details¶
Repeating the information from the job link in the icons seems to not add much value. It would be great if the corresponding icons show the dependency directly. If that is not feasible one can also make the icons not a link
at all.
Original, discarded acceptance criteria before we "re-discovered" the highlighting feature: AC1: The icons for "chained", "dependency passed", "dependency failed" point as links to the dependant job, not the job result of the table row itself