action #155473
closedcoordination #127031: [saga][epic] openQA for SUSE customers
coordination #80150: [epic] Scale out openQA: Easier openQA setup
Avoid the need for API keys within the same container/client
The conversion spurred by #153499#note-7 brought up the question why a newly created container with openQA webUI, worker and client would require the user to know about and manually configure API keys.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: It is possible to run the container without manually setting up API keys already known to openQA
- Containers can be stopped and re-created all the time. Consider this for the user story
- contains all the parts from webUI to client - the API key is known by design
Updated by livdywan 12 months ago
- Copied from action #153499: Ensure the openQA developer mode works straight-forward in the container setup when following our documentation size:M added
Updated by mkittler 12 months ago · Edited
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This isn't actually required (so AC1 is already fulfilled). I just tested it again and it works out of the box. Sorry for the confusion about this.
In case you're interested: Yesterday - when I ran into the issue - I did the following:
$ podman exec openqa openqa-clone-job --host localhost:9526 --skip-download
API key/secret for 'localhost:9526' missing. Checkout '/usr/bin/openqa-clone-job --help' for the config file syntax/lookup.
Then I configured the key completely overriding the existing config which of course made it work.
Then I tried whether I can avoid --host …
and ran into the problem of missing key/secret but only because I previously overwrote the config.
Of course this is the kind of confusion one gets when having to puzzle the pieces together manually to make at least some use of the container (as the documentation suggests to run it).
Updated by okurz 12 months ago
- Copied to action #155491: Extend documentation for single-instance-container covering at least how to trigger/clone existing jobs size:S added