action #15396
closedopenQA Project (public) - action #15378: ppc worker died somewhere in the middle
malbec unusable (see parent ticket)
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openQA Project (public) - action #15378: ppc worker died somewhere in the middle
Added by okurz about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.
Well... it seems every problem with malbec gets solved by applying dinar's custom firmware after a qemu update...
All I did was
malbec:~ # cp ./new_slof_maybe.bin /usr/share/qemu/slof.bin
I'll try to convert this into a salt recipe somehow...
Though we need to think about a better way of doing this (It can't be that the upstream version of qemu is not working for us... - But that's none of my business)
So who did the update then and missed this part?
mgriessmeier wrote:
I'll try to convert this into a salt recipe somehow...
please do so. That is #12350 then
fixed by adding malbec to salt which is always copying the custom firmware for qemu-ppc