coordination #153928
opencoordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
[epic] Ideas from SUSE QE Tools workshop 2024-01-19 Filter openQA todo-jobs on /tests belonging to groups, review teams, etc
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(Total: 0.00 h)
- allow to search or filter by time in /tests page
- As a test module maintainer or reviewer I would like to see all occurences of job modules failures
- As a reviewer of test modules I would like to be able to use the webUI to apply the same label or bugref to multiple jobs from a filtered view like showing multiple jobs all failing in the same module (not wanting to use the CLI openqa-label-all)
- SLE maintenance incident tests have builds like :$id:$package_name which sorts one package update after another unrelated one so /tests/overview page can not be easily used for reviewing all current incident test failures. To address that different ideas
- use /tests to review
- not group by build (by foursixnine)
- schedule SLE maintenance incident tests with "$id" and "$package" in the flavor, not the build -> old ticket #95857