coordination #152955
opencoordination #127031: [saga][epic] openQA for SUSE customers
[epic] Metric-driven project management in SUSE QE Tools team
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
We already have defined "availability" of OSD as in http response is possible as team goal but don't look into response code or response time usually. But it's a common feedback that OSD is slow. We should make our goals more strict. Also in order to continue delivering enterprise level process quality we should establish a consistent metric-driven project management in SUSE QE tools team.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Cycle-times and Lead-times are evaluated and have an effect at least once a week
- AC2: Long term statistics (SLI) and SLOs+SLAs are available for HTTP response code ratios
- AC3: Long term statistics (SLI) and SLOs+SLAs are available for HTTP response times