action #138032
closedcoordination #154777: [saga][epic] Shareable os-autoinst and test distribution plugins
coordination #108527: [epic] os-autoinst wheels for scalable code reuse of helper functions and segmented test distributions
Find out most/least used testapi functions to decide about where to extend/cleanup size:M
#130369 brought me to the idea that functions like "login" or more generalized "assert_and_click_and_assert" from maybe could be directly brought into the testapi of os-autoinst so not needing wheels necessarily. But the testapi is already big and maybe we even have functions that are candidates for removal. So let's look into test distributions that we can find on github, at least os-autoinst-distri-openSUSE and see which testapi functions are used the most and which the least.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: We have a list of absolute uses of os-autoinst testapi functions in test distribution(s), at least os-autoinst-distri-opensuse
testapi for testapi function definitions, e.g. start withgrep "sub [^_].*"
and compile a list of all functions. For each function lookup on github or local in os-autoinst-distri-opensuse and count occurences- Put the list sorted by occurences of function calls in this ticket
- Present the list to the tools team and initiate a discussion
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Copied from action #130369: [spike][timeboxed:20h] Reduce duplication of openQA-in-openQA tests in os-autoinst-distri-opensuse and os-autoinst-distri-openQA size:S added
Updated by tinita about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Find out most/least used testapi functions to decide about where to extend/cleanup to Find out most/least used testapi functions to decide about where to extend/cleanup size:M
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by osukup about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
found test repositories for almalinux, fedora and debian ..
Updated by osukup about 1 year ago
osukup wrote in #note-5:
Table of testapi functions in test distributions. Used are almalinux, fedora, Debian, opensuse, openQA and OBS test distributions with all together and separate openSUSE:
function global opensuse rest comment script_run 12995 10798 2197 assert_script_run 9746 8121 1625 get_var 6616 4686 1930 send_key 5813 4715 1098 assert_screen 3810 2513 1297 script_output 3023 2825 198 record_info 2639 2628 11 assert_and_click 2626 805 1821 wait_still_screen 1741 925 816 check_var 1547 1455 92 select_console 1105 1092 13 validate_script_output 1050 909 141 type_string 989 673 316 enter_cmd 897 866 31 get_required_var 886 869 17 upload_logs 814 560 254 wait_screen_change 806 686 120 save_screenshot 770 735 35 check_screen 714 314 400 match_has_tag 704 543 161 set_var 684 644 40 send_key_until_needlematch 491 418 73 record_soft_failure 460 357 103 wait_serial 364 330 34 x11_start_program 324 324 0 distribution implemenation diag 279 247 32 data_url 265 265 0 type_password 168 143 25 click_lastmatch 134 13 121 autoinst_url 118 118 0 mouse_set 97 30 67 mouse_hide 95 46 49 is_serial_terminal 87 57 30 reset_consoles 70 70 0 become_root 69 62 7 distribution reimplemetation console 51 51 0 ensure_installed 43 43 0 distribution implemenation parse_extra_log 38 38 0 upload_asset 36 28 8 assert_and_dclick 31 29 2 script_sudo 30 17 13 assert_shutdown 27 20 7 hashed_string 26 12 14 check_var_array 25 19 6 debian save_tmp_file 24 24 0 parse_junit_log 21 21 0 mouse_click 18 10 8 get_var_array 16 11 5 debian hold_key 16 13 3 release_key 15 12 3 current_console 13 13 0 get_test_data 9 9 0 assert_script_sudo 7 3 4 distribution implemenation ... practically nver used start_audiocapture 7 4 3 assert_screen_change 7 6 1 force_soft_failure 6 6 0 power 5 1 4 check_recorded_sound 4 4 0 one in comment check_shutdown 4 3 1 eject_cd 4 1 3 somewhere is comment ... command is broken assert_recorded_sound 2 1 1 resume_vm 2 2 0 mouse_tclick 1 1 0 wow assert_still_screen 1 1 0 called as testapi::assert_still_screen mouse_dclick 0 0 0 background_script_run 0 0 0 switch_network 0 0 0 fedora has sub in gnome-panel ... save_memory_dump 0 0 0 freeze_vm 0 0 0 save_storage 0 0 0 mouse_drag 0 0 0
Updated by osukup about 1 year ago
Updated by livdywan about 1 year ago
We discussed these least-used functions together in the team:
- freeze_vm/resume_vm:
- freezing is seemingly never used?
- does this work? what's the use case? used for snapshots/backup of the disk?
- merge this with save_storage/save_memory_dump?
- is it feasible to use in the debugging case?
- mouse_drag
- maybe dragging is implemented as press/down/up/click instead? likely we would have some tests dragging things with a mouse?
- It actually has been used in the past, funnily as a workaround:
+ # On x11, workaround bsc#1191112 by mouse click or drag the dialog. + if (($setup_console =~ /x11/) && (check_var('RMT_TEST', 'rmt_chinese'))) { + record_soft_failure('bsc#1191112 - When navigating through YaST module screens the next screen appears, but its content is not loaded'); + wait_still_screen(10, 15); + mouse_drag(startx => 480, starty => 50, endx => 485, endy => 50, button => 'left'); + }
- switch_network:
- fedora has an implementation of this under its own distri
- maybe this was lost and never upstreamed?
- background_script_run:
- why is this never used? maybe we don't need it? script_run with & or nohup might be enough?
- it's distrio-specific
- used in ltp tests
- asset/check_recorded_sound/start_audiocapture:
- is it worth adding another case to confirm if it's easy enough to use?
- it's used in multiple distris... but why not more in general?
- mouse_dclick:
- used internally, arguably redundant with asset_and_click and click_last_match exposing double clicking
- mouse_tclick:
- used by gedit, trivial code but not made available by any other means and not something one would want to copy (a lot of clicks and sleeps)
- maybe other code tries to triple-click but doesn't use this api?
- eject_cd:
- is this usable? is this broken? should be worth checking
- current_console:
- only used in opensuse
- get_test_data
- assert_script_sudo:
- distribution implementation practically never used
- this relies on
which relies on the distri implementation - fedora/alma have an implementation but don't use it: os-autoinst-distri-almalinux/lib/
- assert_screen_change
- force_soft_failure
- power
Action points¶
- Provide a list of repos used as a reference to search the test distributions we consider relevant/covered here @osukup
- Provide a reproducible command line to lookup the uses of testapi functions (rg/git grep) so we can double-check the results, or see if we made some progress down the line @osukup
- After this we can distribute the discussed least-used commands amongst the team to evaluate e.g. spend a couple hours at most to come up with a suggestion (whole team)
Updated by osukup about 1 year ago
point 2 of actions
The list of repositories is in the comment
Updated by osukup about 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Workable
- Assignee deleted (
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Tools - Next to Ready
Updated by jbaier_cz 12 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Script added to the repo in
With that I believe this is done.
Updated by okurz 12 months ago
- Copied to action #156859: Improve most used testapi functions added