



action #12734


action #12532: Request database dump and the current configuration of the openSUSE services

action #12534: Setup KVM images

action #12580: MediaWiki update to 1.27

Fix or drop hermes wiki notifications

Added by cboltz almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I enabled Hermes notifications for wiki changes, and here's the mail I received:

openSUSE Hermes messaging (
[ 2. Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:55:50 +0200] [wiki ]  updated by 

The page  was updated () by  to revision .

Change type: 

That's very helpful... :-( - the only useful information is "something happened in the wiki on $DATE".

Based on the "usefullness" of this mail, I'd guess that nobody uses hermes for wiki notifications (can a hermes admin please check that?), so I tend to drop that extension instead of spending time on fixing it.



wiki-change.tmpl (668 Bytes) wiki-change.tmpl kfreitag, 2016-12-03 22:25
Actions #1

Updated by tampakrap almost 8 years ago

+1 for dropping it and working on a replacement (local notification system)

Actions #2

Updated by tampakrap almost 8 years ago

So I asked darix, and hermes is still heavily used. It is definitely not a deprecated service (for example not all of OBS notification functionality is moved to the local notification system, and we don't know if they will). Thus, darix suggested first to fix the hermes notification system in production, and then discuss if we're going to set up a replacement or not

Actions #3

Updated by AdaLovelace almost 8 years ago

We should watch the notifications of the wiki after fixing hermes. After that we can say a "Yes" or "No".

Actions #4

Updated by cboltz almost 8 years ago

OK, so hermes will stay for a while.

There's still the question if somebody uses it for wiki notifications. Can you please check that?
(If nobody uses it for wiki notifications, we could at least drop the wiki extension and the wiki notifications from hermes.)

Actions #5

Updated by adrianSuSE almost 8 years ago

actually we plan to cut off hermes from OBS, since it makes indeed still lots of traffic but most is not used anymore. Don't count on it much longer...

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous almost 8 years ago

Adrian: unless you plan to replace all features to the OBS, e.g. RSS is heavily used.

Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous almost 8 years ago

cboltz: how can somebody use the service if it was broken?

in any case ... how much work would it be to make the plugin useful again?

Actions #8

Updated by cboltz almost 8 years ago

cboltz: how can somebody use the service if it was broken?

Well, maybe someone found a filter that made even the information "something happened in the wiki" useful ;-) (yes, I know it's unlikely.)

in any case ... how much work would it be to make the plugin useful again?

I don't know.

The wiki still sends something[tm] to hermes which triggers the (nearly empty) mails, so I'd hope it's not broken on the wiki side. However, this is just a guess. (Is there a way to get the raw data that is sent to Hermes when a wiki page is changed? If yes, seeing an example might help to find out on which end it's broken.)

Klaas' guess was that the template in Hermes needs to be fixed.

Actions #9

Updated by AdaLovelace over 7 years ago

Hi Klaas,

I have seen/ read that you are back at SUSE. Can you support us with Hermes as a knowledged founder, please?

Best regards,

P.S. I am the Coordinator of the wiki/ Provo setup. :-)

Actions #10

Updated by coolo over 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to kfreitag
Actions #11

Updated by AdaLovelace over 7 years ago

Hi Klaas,

did you find the reason for strange/ empty messages? We have got a Admin Meeting at SUSE today. We can speak about this issue and possible solutions.

Actions #12

Updated by kfreitag over 7 years ago

It is strange. If you check the example message (based on real data) looks pretty ok.

I think the reason is that the message template does not contain any ... tags, but the example message in this report is clearly a digest message. The bug could be that the rendering fails in this case.

Actions #13

Updated by kfreitag over 7 years ago

I tried to fix the template by putting the text into digest.../digest tags, but could not do it because of the error
Status: ERROR: No write access on /srv/www/vhosts/
in notify.o.o. I attached the template here, maybe an admin can install it in notify.o.o

I'll subscribe myself to the wiki change notification and will check.

Actions #14

Updated by cboltz almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

With the update to MediaWiki 1.27, we dropped the hermes notifications extension from the wiki.

People can use MediaWiki's own notification system (and probably did since years), so dropping hermes notifications shouldn't hurt ;.-)


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