action #123691
coordination #121876: [epic] Handle openQA review failures in Yam squad - SLE 15 SP5
Add installation in staging with VIDEOMODE text mode
Added by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
Add installation in staging with VIDEOMODE text mode configuring machine with 1 cpu and 2 GB of RAM so we can catch early that the installer cannot boot with this minimal boundary of configuration. Related bug: bsc#1207284
See #123589 for additional information
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Add textmode installation in staging in SLE with suggested configuration
Additional information¶
Add this test suite once the bug is fixed, but the PR/MR can be prepared.
Use a simple textmode installation, not the HA specified in the bug, i.e.:
- Related to action #123688: Boundary testing for installer with combinations of RAM/CPUs added
- Tags deleted (
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Related to action #123646: Run statistical investigation regarding RAM/CPU for Installer regarding bsc#1207284 added
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to zoecao
Manually test the case on a vm: install SLES15SP5 build70.1 with VIDEOMODE text mode configuring machine with 1 cpu and 2 GB of RAM, the bug is not fixed yet.
Tested it again with today's new build72.1, the bug is fixed, will add test suites.
It's not related with build, we can all focus on the Build and leave aside those other tasks, move them to the bottom of our backlog and/or resolve the parts already done. (jrivera: it is related, it is related with a bug that should have been found in staging)
PR merged, could you please setup the test suite in staging, but commented with some reference to the bug, I mean, we cannot run it, because the bug is not solved, so we can activate the scenario later (there is not control version).
btw we need to avoid to run that job even in another job group (development for example), because it is connected with obs, blocking staging, see:
Once you have done that, let's create a progress ticket for us to activate the scenario with the configuration that is required in job group. After we can resolve this one.
JERiveraMoya wrote:
PR merged, could you please setup the test suite in staging, but commented with some reference to the bug, I mean, we cannot run it, because the bug is not solved, so we can activate the scenario later (there is not control version).
Thanks, I think the bug is already fixed since build72.1, see the test runs in openqa:
build72.1: (pass)
build70.1: (still fail on the build before the 72.1)
And here is the case in bug description which is also pass on build72.1:
btw we need to avoid to run that job even in another job group (development for example), because it is connected with obs, blocking staging, see:
OK, I get it, I remove it from the dev group, and removed the triggered cases.
Once you have done that, let's create a progress ticket for us to activate the scenario with the configuration that is required in job group. After we can resolve this one.
If the bug is already fixed, then I can add the testsuite to staging and activate it, right?
yes, let's do it, sorry, I got confused by the comment in slack ...
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Add the testsuite of "testmode_install" to [Staging: SLE15] job group, and added the testsuite's description "Maintainer: qe-yum team. Simple textmode installation with VIDEOMODE text mode and configure machine with 1 cpu and 2 GB RAM, related bug: bsc#1207284"
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