coordination #121867
closed[epic] Provide relevant metrics for Yam squad
Being able to provide Key metrics what helps to measures success and achievements of Yam squad to be align with #118135
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Discuss potential metrics in the squad
AC2: Create those metrics or collaborate for its creation using a common tool
AC3: Integrate those metrics with some dashboard
Additional information¶
Proposal for metrics are:
- Work in progress ticket measured in a period -> in order to check how good is our internal collaboration.
- Ratio between amount of tickets for new things and amount of tickets for fixing/adapting existing work.
- How many tickets we complete in this period (to be discussed, but we need some metric related with what is done)
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago
- Related to coordination #121981: [saga] Collaboration in Yam squad added
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago
- Tracker changed from action to coordination
Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago
After discussion with @ilausuch this seems to be the tool that we will use in the department:
The advantage of this new project is that you can have the history of what happened in the past, where the previous project was not able to have data until you connect to it.
We will check next week with @ilausuch about metric (1), metric for wip ticket is already implemented, but he needs to add a couple of features to make it work for us:
- Filter by 'Target version'.
- Formatting for LibreOffice, (so we can present them in slides due to having live data in Grafana will come later).
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
to be continue in #152773