



action #117460


[qe-core][sporadic] test fails in updates_packagekit_gpk timing out while the dialog is still refreshing auto_review:"Test died: no candidate.*updates_none, updates_available, package-updater-privileged-user-warning, updates_restart_app":retry

Added by okurz over 2 years ago. Updated 12 months ago.

Bugs in existing tests
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



openQA test in scenario opensuse-15.3-DVD-Updates-x86_64-gnome@64bit-2G fails in
timing out while the dialog is still refreshing


Fails in 19/100 cases in that's 19% (!)

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openqa-query-for-job-label poo#117460

Expected result

Last good: 20220928-1 (or more recent)


Further details

Always latest result in this scenario: latest

Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by livdywan over 2 years ago

A little bit of triaging:

  • The test already retries 20 times.
  • Does the test setup require that updates are available? Does it simply fail if it's run when there aren't any?
  • I notice multiple instances of [warn] !!! backend::baseclass::check_asserted_screen: check_asserted_screen took 0.59 seconds for 31 candidate needles - make your needles more specific
Actions #3

Updated by openqa_review over 2 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: gnome

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released" or "EOL" (End-of-Life)
  3. The bugref in the openQA scenario is removed or replaced, e.g. label:wontfix:boo1234

Expect the next reminder at the earliest in 28 days if nothing changes in this ticket.

Actions #4

Updated by slo-gin over 2 years ago

This ticket was set to High priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.

Actions #5

Updated by slo-gin about 2 years ago

This ticket was set to High priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.

Actions #6

Updated by slo-gin about 2 years ago

This ticket was set to High priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.

Actions #7

Updated by slo-gin about 2 years ago

This ticket was set to High priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.

Actions #8

Updated by openqa_review almost 2 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: gnome

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released" or "EOL" (End-of-Life)
  3. The bugref in the openQA scenario is removed or replaced, e.g. label:wontfix:boo1234

Expect the next reminder at the earliest in 120 days if nothing changes in this ticket.

Actions #9

Updated by openqa_review over 1 year ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: upgrade_Leap_15.3_cryptlvm@uefi

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released" or "EOL" (End-of-Life)
  3. The bugref in the openQA scenario is removed or replaced, e.g. label:wontfix:boo1234

Expect the next reminder at the earliest in 260 days if nothing changes in this ticket.

Actions #10

Updated by dzedro about 1 year ago

  • Tags set to qe-core-february-sprint
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to dzedro
  • Target version set to QE-Core: Ready
Actions #11

Updated by dzedro about 1 year ago

Old links are deleted, loking on latest failures

    id    |          test          |  distri  | version | result |        build        
 13442639 | cryptlvm               | opensuse | 15.5    | failed | 2024-02-06 09:44:50
 13442635 | cryptlvm               | opensuse | 15.5    | failed | 2024-02-06 09:42:58
 13442634 | gnome                  | opensuse | 15.5    | failed | 2024-02-06 09:42:54
 13382359 | qam-allpatterns+addons | sle      | 15-SP5  | failed | 2024-01-30 14:06:08
 13382353 | qam-gnome              | sle      | 15-SP5  | failed | 2024-01-30 13:54:15
 13382352 | qam-allpatterns        | sle      | 15-SP5  | failed | 2024-01-30 14:04:16
 13280851 | qam-allpatterns+addons | sle      | 15-SP5  | failed | 2024-01-18 18:05:03
 13280818 | qam-allpatterns        | sle      | 15-SP5  | failed | 2024-01-18 18:05:05
 13280486 | qam-gnome              | sle      | 15-SP4  | failed | 2024-01-18 16:57:12
 13280485 | qam-allpatterns        | sle      | 15-SP4  | failed | 2024-01-18 17:12:49


   id    |            test            |  distri  |  version   | result |        build        
 3918978 | upgrade_Leap_15.4_gnome    | opensuse | 15.5       | failed | 2024-02-06 09:33:04
 3917656 | upgrade_Leap_15.2_cryptlvm | opensuse | Tumbleweed | failed | 2024-02-06 05:51:21
 3916992 | upgrade_Leap_15.2_gnome    | opensuse | Tumbleweed | failed | 2024-02-05 21:27:35
 3915447 | gnome                      | opensuse | 15.5       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:24:57
 3915442 | gnome                      | opensuse | 15.5       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:24:56
 3915439 | upgrade_Leap_15.4_cryptlvm | opensuse | 15.5       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:27:44
 3915401 | gnome                      | opensuse | 15.4       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:24:56
 3915396 | gnome                      | opensuse | 15.4       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:23:46
 3915379 | upgrade_Leap_15.3_gnome    | opensuse | 15.4       | failed | 2024-02-05 00:24:57
 3913778 | system_performance         | opensuse | Tumbleweed | failed | 2024-02-03 23:53:16
Actions #13

Updated by tinita 12 months ago

This ticket was set to High priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.

Actions #14

Updated by dzedro 12 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

If there are failures then it's related to network or unaccessible repo and often failure is on switching console to x11 after snapshot creation.


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