tickets #113069
closedlogin failure on
Last time I was able to login successfully on IIRC was Friday. I've been needing to since Saturday, but 5 different web browsers with 6 different user profiles have all produced rejection, either in the form of "The username or password you entered is not valid.", or simply a refresh of the login page. Clearing cookies has no effect, nor browser restarts. I mentioned this on IRC in opensuse-admin, and CBoltz also mentioned cannot login just before 17:00 UTC on Sunday. I tried logging in on too. The first time succeeded, but every attempt since was rejected in same manner as on b.o.o. Most places I login as mrmazda, but on BZ my email address is used.
Updated by cboltz over 2 years ago
- Category set to Bugzilla
- Assignee set to SUSE-Admins
Updated by mrmazda over 2 years ago
I tried Firefox ESR91 in a virgin profile on a completely different user and PC, & I still get the same "The username or password you entered is not valid."
Updated by bmwiedemann over 2 years ago
There is one known issue, where a login will fail without any error message, but if it says, "The username or password you entered is not valid.", I'd assume you did not use username "mrmazda" or used the wrong password. Does that combination work on ?
For the record:
The account looks OK in LDAP and I was able to login with 2 different accounts.
Bugzilla has the @earthlink addr in its DB - same as LDAP.
Updated by mrmazda over 2 years ago
Just as all (attempted, as I don't remember every possible URL) logins except bugzilla succeeded lately when attempted, so did when using mrmazda, but not when using email. Bugzilla was failing whether email or mrmazda was used, sometimes by simply redrawing the login page, sometimes by producing "The username or password you entered is not valid.". It seems to be that most of the time, redraw happened several times before "The username or password you entered is not valid." showed up. My recollection is that, historically, I've been using the email address on bugzilla, and mrmazda elsewhere on While composing this response, on Bugzilla I tried both in SeaMonkey 2.53.12, and both failed. So I deciding to try again using FF ESR91 on, first using email address, which failed there too. Then I tried mrmazda, and it worked. Attempting to then goto produced a not logged in state, where another attempt with email address failed, but with mrmazda succeeded. Before logging out I went back to SeaMonkey to try again, and it failed both ways. I then logged out on ESR91, and again tried both ways in SM. Email failed, and so did mrmazda. Next, in about:config I created;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0. Email address again failed, but mrmazda logged me in.
Just guessing, my normal general.useragent.compatMode.firefox;false setting could have been the problem (SeaMonkey in the UA string instead of Firefox). What would have explained it in Palemoon, Falkon & Chromium I suppose was trying email address before mrmazda would cause a lockout for mrmazda. Now that I've been through this I hopefully will remember to ignore suggestions to use an email address on b.o.o., whereas on,,,, and every other bugzilla I can think of require email address, and say so on their "Bugzilla – Log in to Bugzilla" pages. All, including, when logged in, are showing my email address as my login name.
What a zoo. In my other SeaMonkey profile, also set not to advertise Firefox in UA, I tried again first with email, and again failed. Then I tried again with mrmazda, and failed, twice. However on the third try, it logged me in. Next I tried starting first with mrmazda on Falkon, Palemoon and Chromium, and succeeded with all.
I guess I'll see what happens on next tries following the obligatory highly annoying login timeouts, when hopefully my now deleted email address login names are no longer remembered by the browsers' login memory systems. If this succeeds through a few cycles I'll return here to confirm simply not using email seems to be key, though still an actual UA that is not Firefox seems could be a suspicious secondary influence.
Updated by mrmazda over 2 years ago
BTW bmwiedemann, thanks for your attention to this!!! :)
Updated by cboltz over 2 years ago
A few notes / hints:
- even if you can use the same username and password everywhere in *, we have different login servers (and therefore different cookies) for various services. Some services share a login server, some don't - check the IP or CNAME if you are interested.
- bugzilla.o.o login always worked with the username, never with the mail address (even if bugzilla uses the mail address internally)
- please always define "fail" - does it display an error message, or does it "just" display the login form again?
- I'm surprised that the user agent might be relevant here - I've had several cases of getting the login form again, but finally could login without changing the user agent
Bernhard, do you know when that known issue (with re-displaying the login form) will get solved? I've seen it often enough ;-)
Updated by luc14n0 about 2 years ago
Bug report relevant to this issue:
Updated by luc14n0 about 2 years ago
I can add that, before having (pre-migration to OpenID, I suppose), I always logged to bugzilla using email and password. After the migration, I've been using username instead of email.
And yes, the issue that other people and I are having doesn't produce any error message, after entering username and password the login form just resets.
Updated by luc14n0 about 2 years ago
Updated by luc14n0 almost 2 years ago
Updated by luc14n0 almost 2 years ago
Updated by profetik777-opensuse almost 2 years ago
Bumping this up for visibility.
I'm writing to ask for your assistance in addressing the login issue bugzilla faces.
This can be a blocker for those who want to drop a bug and/or follow up. This also can cause friction for new volunteers/new contributors who want to help out.
Last but not least, tentatively speaking, we have microOS Desktop leaving Release Candidate status and launching as an official release in March (again, tentatively speaking).
The last several weeks we've seen some increased interest in the project, and only expect that to increase even more once the release happens....
One of the challenges we would like to help address is getting more volunteers and contributors to use bugzilla. Solving this would remove a lot of friction and frustration and increase the odds of volunteer onboarding.
*Is there anything you would need help w/ to address this in the next few weeks if possible? If that timeline is unrealistic, what would be the next best steps / timelines you recommend?
Thanks for your time.
Updated by profetik777-opensuse almost 2 years ago
WORKING THEORY- Doc Type Not Set Correctly...
I noticed when digging in that it complained in Chrome over "quirky" mode. It reads out when I use the web-dev console tools:
Page layout may be unexpected due to Quirks Mode
One or more documents in this page is in Quirks Mode, which will render the affected document(s) with quirks incompatible with the current HTML and CSS specifications.
Quirks Mode exists mostly due to historical reasons. If this is not intentional, you can add or modify the DOCTYPE to be<!DOCTYPE html>
to render the page in No Quirks Mode.
On a hunch, I "converted" the layout to simulate a touch mobile device (see #1 in image below) - it was a long shot, but if I can get bugzilla to "KNOW" what type of page it was - then maybe it would go through.
I then changed it to mobile, and BOOM, instantly signed in.
This might be my work around - just change the "hardware agent" and I may not have to face the RANDOM being denied access to bugzilla.
Updated by profetik777-opensuse almost 2 years ago
I have to UNcheck the "Restrict this session to this IP address (using this option improves security)" FIRST before trying to sign in via Device Toggle (which is found when you press F12 or if you go to Chrome settings icon (three dots). More Tools ---> Dev Tools. And the side bar opens and you can toggle to a "mobile" touch rendered page.
THIS lets you in all the time.
Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago
FWIW, it works for me. (Firefox 102.6.0esr). then I tried with Chromium (108.0.5359.124), which I've never tried before - also worked.
Updated by profetik777-opensuse almost 2 years ago
And that is fine and all, but as you can review from folks who have chimed in, and some who have recently admitted they also face this issue from time to time- it is hard to reproduce, but confirmed happening.
Can we please have someone bump this up in priority? If possible?
Updated by profetik777-opensuse almost 2 years ago
Is there a reason why this is getting removed?
Who handles maintenance for bugzilla?
Updated by crameleon almost 2 years ago
I removed the assignee group because it gave the false impression of someone monitoring this thread and working on the issue. Bugzilla is maintained by an internal team at SUSE which does not use Communication is best done through the mentioned Bugzilla ticket.
Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
crameleon wrote:
I removed the assignee group because it gave the false impression of someone monitoring this thread and working on the issue. Bugzilla is maintained by an internal team at SUSE which does not use Communication is best done through the mentioned Bugzilla ticket.
Good stuff. If openSUSE Heroes are not in charge, maybe we ought to close this as "rejected"? Sort of makes me wonder why we even entertain a category "Bugzilla" 😊 It is surely frustrating for people to report something to us, only to watch the ticket wait and wait and wait and wait.
Updated by crameleon almost 2 years ago
I suggested to reject tickets like these long ago - but was told by other Heroes that we should continue tracking them even if "work" is done outside/by others.
See - you have my vote to delete the category and close all tickets in it. ;-)
Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago
crameleon wrote:
I suggested to reject tickets like these long ago - but was told by other Heroes that we should continue tracking them even if "work" is done outside/by others.
I hope it wasn't me, that would be most embarrassing :-)
TBH, I was also under the impression that "SUSE-IT" was monitored by someone, but at the same time I got to wonder "how do I monitor a category?"
Updated by crameleon almost 2 years ago
I hope it wasn't me, that would be most embarrassing
Don't worry, it wasn't. ;-)
I was also under the impression that "SUSE-IT" was monitored by someone, but at the same time I got to wonder "how do I monitor a category?"
It is not "monitored" - people in this group receive notifications about tickets assigned to it, but I'm not sure who else is in it besides me. I made the other day in an attempt to combat the false impression of someone "official" monitoring the group.
Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago
crameleon wrote:
I hope it wasn't me, that would be most embarrassing
Don't worry, it wasn't. ;-)
I was also under the impression that "SUSE-IT" was monitored by someone, but at the same time I got to wonder "how do I monitor a category?"
It is not "monitored" - people in this group receive notifications about tickets assigned to it, but I'm not sure who else is in it besides me.
That's what I meant - how do people join (or leave) a category?
I made the other day in an attempt to combat the false impression of someone "official" monitoring the group.
Yeah, I saw that one.
Updated by crameleon almost 2 years ago
That's what I meant - how do people join (or leave) a category?
Category != Group
Redmine administrators can edit group members.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Rejecting as discussed in a previous comment. For issues with the Bugzilla application, please contact the administrators using the email address linked on the front page of