action #99258
coordination #103941: [saga][epic] Scale up: Efficient, event-based handling of storage on new, clean instances
coordination #64881: [epic] Reconsider triggering cleanup jobs
openQA enables event-based cleanup out of the box
Added by livdywan over 3 years ago.
Updated over 3 years ago.
Feature requests
The new feature implemented in #64881 is currently opt-in. It should by the default so that a developer setting up a new instance gets the desired behavior.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Cleanup is performed based on triggers by default
- Target version set to Ready
- Tracker changed from coordination to action
- Category set to Feature requests
The asset cleanup is hard to optimize for the no-op case (see #97979) and I suspect the same counts for the result cleanup (e.g. we always go though all screenshot IDs). So I'm not yet sure whether triggering the cleanup event-based (which also means with an unpredictable and possibly very high frequency) makes sense by default.
I know this is about AC1 of #64881#note-23 but covering only AC1 and not AC2 seems counterproductive.
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version changed from Ready to future
hm, ok. In that case we can rethink and replan. Taking the ticket out of the backlog. Maybe we can also solve it "by documentation". I don't know, is the cleanup automatically enabled based on timers or not at all?
The documentation in says that openQA automatically deletes assets. Maybe that should be revisited.
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