



tickets #92713

closed stopped receiving mails via factory@ (around May 4th 2021)

Added by GeraldPfeifer almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
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I realized I got unsubscribed from factory@ without notification.

The last message I received was

From: Dominique Leuenberger
Date: Mon, 03 May 2021 20:00:43 +0000
Subject: New Tumbleweed snapshot 20210502 released!

Re-subscribing via in the last
hour seems to have worked fine.

Any idea what happened and how to prevent that in the future?

Actions #1

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Hi Gerald

it does not look like you got unsubscribed, since 4 May, mailman has been sending you 20-30 mails a day. I can also see them being delivered to, SUSE's anti-spam provider.

Actions #2

Updated by cboltz almost 4 years ago

This issue probably affects more users:

[16:35:51] <fridrich> I realize that I don't receive any opensuse list emails since something like 4th of May
[16:36:11] <fridrich> I even tried to unsubscribe and resubscribe with my e-mail, but nothing comes
Actions #3

Updated by mdaltin almost 4 years ago

Hi gentlemen,

can I please have the details of the delivery of the messages sent by on with subject "New Tumbleweed snapshot 20210515 released!" to Mimecast ( MX)?
We see ~20 messages here with that subject, seems too little. I'd like to follow up with vendor and I need the details (logs) to proceed further.

Kind regards, M.

Actions #4

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

cboltz wrote:

This issue probably affects more users:

[16:35:51] <fridrich> I realize that I don't receive any opensuse list emails since something like 4th of May
[16:36:11] <fridrich> I even tried to unsubscribe and resubscribe with my e-mail, but nothing comes

I have had a 'hold' on mails to '' for a while, and I can tell that some other addresses were held too - I don't see how it could have affected more than a few emails though.

Actions #5

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

mdaltin wrote:

Hi gentlemen,

can I please have the details of the delivery of the messages sent by on with subject "New Tumbleweed snapshot 20210515 released!" to Mimecast ( MX)?
We see ~20 messages here with that subject, seems too little. I'd like to follow up with vendor and I need the details (logs) to proceed further.

It is not easy to trace anything by subject, but a few mails were wrongly held, see my earlier comment. This isn't anything new though.

Actions #6

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

  • Category set to Email
  • Assignee set to pjessen

I think I am to blame - I had put a hold on mails to because the provider kept rejecting us. However, when mailman sends out mails, he does it in large batches, maybe 50 each. So many mails did end up being held back wrongly - I am guessing the affected addresses were always batched with the on for I have been slowly releasing mails for the last 30 mins or so. (slowly to not overload any destination server).

Actions #7

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

pjessen wrote:

I think I am to blame

Confirmed - I have seen at least two mails where gp@ and fstrba@ were batched along with ''. I'm guessing that mailman always batches addresses the same way (for the same list), so it was always the same recipients that were affected.

I'm sorry about that, but at least you had a quiet Auffahrt :-)
Let's leave the ticket open till tomorrow, but judging by the logs, mail to the affected addresses has started flowing again.

Actions #8

Updated by GeraldPfeifer almost 4 years ago

pjessen wrote:

I'm sorry about that, but at least you had a quiet Auffahrt :-)

First I was thinking you're referring to Autobahn and did not get the context;
then it dawned on me: a quiet Ascension Day (May 12th, Austrian: Himmelfahrt)? :-)

Let's leave the ticket open till tomorrow, but judging by the logs, mail to
the affected addresses has started flowing again.

In the last two hours or so I received ~200 mails via,
dating from May 4th to 17th. Looking good, thank you!

Actions #9

Updated by GeraldPfeifer almost 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from got unsubscribed from factory@ to stopped receiving mails via factory@ (around May 4th 2021)
Actions #10

Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

GeraldPfeifer wrote:

pjessen wrote:

I'm sorry about that, but at least you had a quiet Auffahrt :-)

First I was thinking you're referring to Autobahn and did not get the context;
then it dawned on me: a quiet Ascension Day (May 12th, Austrian: Himmelfahrt)? :-)

Ah yes, I forgot, it is only here we call it 'Auffahrt'. Christi Himmelfahrt, genau.

Let's leave the ticket open till tomorrow, but judging by the logs, mail to
the affected addresses has started flowing again.

In the last two hours or so I received ~200 mails via,
dating from May 4th to 17th. Looking good, thank you!

I see fstrba@ has also been sent some 200+ emails.

I have of course removed the 'hold' order - on 'anna', we now have some 1400 mails queued to undeliverable destinations (, #92083 and, but that can't be helped.


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