action #92665
Automatically validate code style for python code
Added by osukup over 3 years ago.
Updated over 3 years ago.
Feature requests
It would be great to have automated checks for more style aspects to python code
We use perl-Tidy and perl-Critic for perl code and strictly checks in CI, it will be nice to have same
standard also for other languages.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: python code style is checked automatically
Acceptance tests¶
- AT1: Inconsistent codestyle prevents deployments
- use black for python code style
Related issues
1 (1 open — 0 closed)
- Due date set to 2021-05-28
- Category set to Feature requests
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to osukup
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to Ready
- Due date changed from 2021-05-28 to 2021-06-02
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
The last open PR was merged, all done?
- Due date changed from 2021-06-02 to 2021-06-08
- Due date changed from 2021-06-08 to 2021-06-09
So apparently a due date of "today" is pointless in terms of getting it off the list for the day.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
osukup wrote:
y, code quality of bugfetcher isn't best :D and pytlint complaints a lot
The ticket is not about black or pylint. AT1: Inconsistent codestyle prevents deployments
is not fulfilled as far as I can see. So I see 3 obvious options here:
- Drop pylint
- Fix pylint
- File a ticket about why fixing pylint is non-trivial
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Related to action #93892: [beginner][easy] Automatically validate code style for python code in openQA added
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