



tickets #8694


release new opensuse frontpage

Added by Anonymous over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Servers hosted in Provo
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


after reading #8690 I was wondering why we havent published the new frontpage yet.

so what is blocking is to get out this week?

my proposal for a checklist would be

  • talk to Cynthia about the status
  • provide announcement
  • switch on thursday
Actions #1

Updated by ddemaio over 9 years ago

darix wrote:

after reading #8690 I was wondering why we havent published the new frontpage yet.

so what is blocking is to get out this week?

my proposal for a checklist would be

  • talk to Cynthia about the status
  • provide announcement
  • switch on thursday

Richard said he would fork and publish.

Actions #2

Updated by ddemaio over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from ddemaio to RBrownSUSE

Hi Richard. Not sure if this is the right course

Actions #3

Updated by RBrownSUSE over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from RBrownSUSE to ddemaio

Why not?

We want it live, Darix is willing to do the technical stuff..if you're able to do the announcement stuff, we can get this done?

Isnt' this what we wanted?

  • assignee ping pong, wee! ;) *
Actions #4

Updated by over 9 years ago

Got it. I wasn't quite sure of the process. I'll have something ready to go for Thursday. Cynthia said it's ready. Should me coordinate a time to publish on Thursday? Does 1300 UTC sound reasonable?
Doug 09/08/15 3:27 PM >>>
[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #8694 has been updated by RBrownSUSE.

Assignee changed from RBrownSUSE to ddemaio

Why not?

We want it live, Darix is willing to do the technical stuff..if you're able to do the announcement stuff, we can get this done?

Isnt' this what we wanted?

  • assignee ping pong, wee! ;) *

tickets #8694: release new opensuse frontpage

  • Author: darix
  • Status: New
  • Priority: Normal
  • Assignee: ddemaio
  • Category: servers hosted in Provo

* Target version:

after reading #8690 I was wondering why we havent published the new frontpage yet.

so what is blocking is to get out this week?

my proposal for a checklist would be

  • talk to Cynthia about the status
  • provide announcement
  • switch on thursday

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Actions #5

Updated by over 9 years ago

Can we also implement this page as well - when we publish the new landing page? This would go along well with some of my talking points for the PR about the update to the landing page.

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

what is needed for the search page deploy? what were the plans for it?

Actions #7

Updated by over 9 years ago

Never mind the search page. It still needs to be translated.
doug 09/09/15 10:31 AM >>>
[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #8694 has been updated by

Can we also implement this page as well - when we publish the new landing page? This would go along well with some of my talking points for the PR about the update to the landing page.

tickets #8694: release new opensuse frontpage

  • Author: darix
  • Status: New
  • Priority: Normal
  • Assignee: ddemaio
  • Category: servers hosted in Provo

* Target version:

after reading #8690 I was wondering why we havent published the new frontpage yet.

so what is blocking is to get out this week?

my proposal for a checklist would be

  • talk to Cynthia about the status
  • provide announcement
  • switch on thursday

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Actions #8

Updated by over 9 years ago

On 09/09/15 10:31, Douglas DeMaio wrote:

Can we also implement this page as well - when we publish the new landing page? This would go along well with some of my talking points for the PR about the update to the landing page.
Hello everyone.

I have just finished installing the translation for the Search Page. It
is already translated in the same languages we have for the landing
page. How I did it? I grabbed the strings from the translations of the
landing page, we were lucky we had them all already translated, I just
needed to clean up the files.

I made a gulp taks to compress and processes CSS and minify JS, so it
should be much lighter now, and I also added a small "loading" at the
beginning, because I didnt like the way it was kind of Flashing when the
DOM is printed on the browser.

About the Landing page, please, before deploying the files, modify the
following JS :

You will see my comment in line 5. That line needs to be changed so we
can read the news from the wordpress XML. At the moment, because the
landing page is outside the server, I created an static XML to read the
file. That static XML can be removed once you change the line.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Thank you !

Cynthia Sanchez.
Front-end developer.
SUSE Linux GmbH.
Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409, Nürnberg

Actions #9

Updated by tampakrap over 9 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #10

Updated by ddemaio over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from ddemaio to MatthewEhle

updating ticket

Actions #11

Updated by MatthewEhle over 9 years ago

I have ran a git pull. A couple of notes...

You do not need to wait for me to do this. We have a process where several people have access to pull git changes through a web page. If you want to add more people to that list, we can certainly do that:

$authorized_users = array(

The other thing is that we pull only from the openSUSE project in github. It seems that some or all of the referenced changes do not yet exist there:

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
[submodule "searchPage"]
url =
Actions #12

Updated by MatthewEhle over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from MatthewEhle to Anonymous

OK, here is an update for everyone:

I learned about this request a couple of days ago, and I just received the full information on it this afternoon. It appears the new page only exists in the cyntss project in GitHub. I have deployed it from there, so it is now live.

Please note that there are a few administration scripts and other things that are missing from this project. We really should move this into the openSUSE project, either under the existing landing page repo or under a new repo. Darix, can you please take care of this and add me as a committer? I can add the missing pieces from there.

Actions #13

Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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