tickets #8690
closedtickets #8688: frontpage has several mistakes
Re: [opensuse-web] frontpage has several mistakes
Heiko Filla wrote:
my name is Heiko Filla. I am an OpenSuse user and from time to time i
go to the project's front page but there a some mistakes
on it. When you click on the counter to the new OpenSuse release
Leap42.1 you go to a page about the OSEM a half year ago. This is
horrible product presentation. Even the latest news on the site is
about this conference, while the rss feed is much more up to date. To
new users this looks as like there has not much been work to the
OpenSuse project in the last months.I hope that this mail reaches the people responsible to do changes on
this topic.
Wow, yeah that does indeed look quite bad :-( Thanks for reporting!
Who is able to fix this?
Updated by tampakrap over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Private changed from Yes to No