



action #66685


[functional][y] Create automated test for "try" feature used in ifcfg option.

Added by oorlov almost 5 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Here are the possible use cases to test:


  • Run installer with several Network Interfaces. Set link state to OFF for all of them except the last one (e.g. set OFF for eth0, eth1, but leave it ON for eth2). In Virtual Manager it could be done by unchecking "Link state" checkbox in NIC settings. So, for automating the condition it is required to find a way to do so programmatically.
  • Virtual network is configured with DHCP (or without DHCP when static IP is used for testing try feature).

Verify, that installation resource is available when try is used with dhcp.
NOTE: When using ifcfg with dhcp and with try feature, Linuxrc tries to assign the DHCP configuration to the available Network Interfaces one by one to make the installation resource reachable. When using ifcfg without try feature, Linuxrc will assign DHCP configuration to all of the interfaces at once.

  1. In bootloader options, enter ifcfg=eth*=try,dhcp install=<path_to_resource> (e.g. path_to_resource:;
  2. Verify, that eth2 received IP address and the medium is reachable (e.g. check that installation is started).
  3. Additionally, check that each Network Interface is tried to be configured one by one (This check could be performed, because when using ifcfg=eth*=dhcp (without try feature), DHCP configuration is assigned to all devices at once).

Verify, that installation resource is available when try is used with static IP.
NOTE: When using ifcfg with static IP and with try feature, Linuxrc tries to assign the IP configuration to the available Network Interfaces one by one to make the installation resource reachable. When using ifcfg without try feature, Linuxrc will try to assign the IP to the first Network Interface (e.g. eth0) and for others it will assign dhcp configuration.

  1. In bootloader options, enter ifcfg=eth*=IP_LIST,GATEWAY_LIST install=<path_to_resource> (e.g. ifcfg=eth*=, install= );
  2. Verify, that eth2 received IP address and the medium is reachable (e.g. check that installation is started).

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