action #58325
- Target version set to Ready
- Tags changed from caching, openQA, sporadic, arm, ipmi, worker to worker
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version changed from Ready to future
upgrading firmware might help but a workaround was found, the bug was resolved as WONTFIX and likely powerKVM has no future. Removing from our backlog
- Status changed from New to Blocked
- Assignee set to okurz
- Related to action #65130: Upgrade of firmware(s) for cloudberry (power9 machine) added
- Status changed from Blocked to Feedback
I tried to find my comment regarding my efforts upgrading QA-Power8-5 - couldn't find it. Basically I fail to upload the firmware onto the machine because the required toolchain is so old that I can't build a functional pflash
for the BMC of these machines (glibc was too old on these BMCs). Somebody on the ML offered me a binary which is supposed to work but I really don't want to execute a random binary sent from somebody on a mailinglist which is accessing the BMC of our machines. So I'm currently stuck and out of ideas how to continue with these habanero machines.
- Status changed from Feedback to Rejected
As discussed with nsinger we are not aware of further problems after we fixed the boot problems software side in #68053 so we can also close this ticket as rejected as we did not conduct the firmware upgrades.
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