



action #55571


openQA Infrastructure (public) - action #55178: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: is WARNING **

coordination #55556: [epic][osd][functional][u] osd: Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked

[osd][staging][sle] Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked: SLE staging

Added by okurz over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Bugs in existing tests
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Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



The space available on osd is limited. reveals some assets as "untracked" but probably they should be tracked by jobs, for example the following subset:

iso/SLE12-SP5-Staging:P-Test-Server-DVD-x86_64-BuildP.33.1-Media.iso 3.85 GiB
iso/SLE12-SP5-Staging:P-Test-Server-DVD-x86_64-BuildP.32.1-Media.iso 3.85 GiB
iso/SLE12-SP5-Staging:P-Test-Server-DVD-x86_64-BuildP.31.1-Media.iso 3.84 GiB
Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Copied from action #55568: [jeos][osd] Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked: JeOS added
Actions #2

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to andriinikitin

@andriinikitin am I right to assume that by now the syncing and triggering of SLE staging is done by OBS trigger? So then you are the right person to contact. See for details regarding asset handling. The mentioned assets need to be accounted for by according jobs using them, e.g. using the ISO variable or ISO_1.

Actions #3

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Copied from deleted (action #55568: [jeos][osd] Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked: JeOS)
Actions #4

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Parent task set to #55556
Actions #5

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Copied to action #55574: [osd][sle][functional][y] Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked: s390x iso files that are not used (should be not even synced) added
Actions #6

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Copied to deleted (action #55574: [osd][sle][functional][y] Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked: s390x iso files that are not used (should be not even synced))
Actions #7

Updated by riafarov over 5 years ago

So, we have not found any traces of staging:P, there is no run in openQA, there are no logs and naming pattern we have in obs sync plugin is different: SLE-15-SP2-Staging:C-Installer-DVD-x86_64-BuildC.14.1-Media1.iso

Also, I can see that we have [2019-08-12T16:56:19.0131 CEST] [info] Registering asset repo/SLE-15-SP2-Staging:C-Module-RT-POOL-x86_64--Media1 in the openQA logs, but there is not run in openQA with such setting.
Looks like those were triggered by someone else, not even sure where. @okurz, feel fancy to do some queries in DB on osd?

Actions #8

Updated by andriinikitin over 5 years ago

riafarov wrote:

So, we have not found any traces of staging:P

Just to clarify this - all what Obs Rsync plugin does should be visible at and Staging:P is not there. So it really looks that something else triggered the build

Actions #9

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

alright. Do you plan to look into this as you are still assigned?

Actions #10

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

To make it clear: We are running the process on osd and this one is syncing staging:P:

root     25040  0.0  0.0  73896  4352 ?        S    17:44   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/CRON -n
geekote+ 25043  0.0  0.0  11872  2548 ?        Ss   17:44   0:00      \_ /bin/sh -c /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-iso-sync-staging >> /var/log/openqa_rsync_staging.log 2>&1
geekote+ 25044  0.0  0.0  11872  2604 ?        S    17:44   0:00          \_ /bin/bash /opt/openqa-scripts/openqa-iso-sync-staging
geekote+ 25051 10.2  0.3 130168 49500 ?        R    17:44   0:17              \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /opt/openqa-scripts/ --host --verbose sle12_sp5_staging
Actions #11

Updated by andriinikitin over 5 years ago

okurz wrote:

To make it clear: We are running the process on osd and this one is syncing staging:P:

Yes, @okurz - it looks Staging:P is not mentioned in job template
Can it be the reason?

Actions #12

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

well, when it's not necessary it should not be mentioned. The problem is that it's synced when it shouldn't be. Will you handle this?

Actions #13

Updated by andriinikitin over 5 years ago

okurz wrote:

well, when it's not necessary it should not be mentioned. The problem is that it's synced when it shouldn't be. Will you handle this?

Ah, ok. Then I believe it needs some negative filter for Staging:P in sle_12 settings around or some other hack. I don't really modify those scripts often, but if you think I am the best person to look at it - I will give a try tomorrow of Wednesday.

Actions #14

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

I'm just asking what your plans are. If you can manage this, great, otherwise feel free to ask me or assign the ticket to me.

Actions #15

Updated by andriinikitin over 5 years ago

This should work in my understanding, at least --dry --verbose mode doesn't mention Staging:P anymore:

Actions #16

Updated by andriinikitin over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
Actions #17

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Resolved

Please use just "Resolved", see for details. I have deleted one more iso file manually, should be good now.


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