



tickets #53699


need a VM for running apache+vbulletin

Added by pjessen over 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Project work
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To replace the forums setup in Provo.
Requirements - maybe 4Gb of memory, plus space for a database of 20Gb.
Not urgent - can wait until August 2-3 when I'm back from summer hols.

Actions #1

Updated by pjessen over 5 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #2

Updated by pjessen over 5 years ago

I have received a tarball with the vBulletin stuff (thank you Kim Groneman), am now waiting for a database dump.

Actions #3

Updated by pjessen over 5 years ago

Karol, when you've got a moment -

the machine needs an external IP address, IPv6 would be nice too. The intention is to run apache with vbulletin, mariadb, postfix and inn.
All self-contained for 'forums.o.o'.

Still waiting for a database dump.

Actions #4

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Category set to Project work

Is this still on todo?

Actions #5

Updated by kbabioch about 5 years ago

  • Assignee changed from kbabioch to pjessen

I guess it depends on whom you ask. Some people had serious concerns and don't like to run vbulletin at all.

@pjessen what is your take on this? Will you still need such a VM?

Actions #6

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

I still don't have a database dump, but yes, eventually I will need a machine to run the forums. I also don't care much for vBulletin, but that is what we currently have to work with. (anything else only means more work).

Actions #7

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

What database are we talking about?
We have a MySQL cluster and PostgreSQL machines up and running that we can use.

about the dedicated host for the application: I guess the main blocker is currently.the name of the machine ;-)
I hope forums.infra.o.o is ok?
In that case, I will setup the machine in the next hours for you.


Actions #8

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

lrupp wrote:

In that case, I will setup the machine in the next hours for you.

Machine is ready and waiting for admins... ;-)

Actions #9

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

lrupp wrote:

Machine is ready and waiting for admins... ;-)

JFYI: machine is now also in Salt.

Actions #10

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

Thanks Lars - yes, it makes more sense to use our database cluster, certainly.
I still have not received any database dump from Provo, and when I do, it'll be 2 months out of date ....

forums.infra.o.o is fine.

Actions #11

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

For the moment, I see only:

forum.infra.o.o =, forums.infra.o.o does not resolve.

I can't log on to forum.infra.o.o. am I missing something?

Actions #12

Updated by cboltz about 5 years ago

Looks like nobody did the initial salt highstate to configure the base system (which includes SSH logins via FreeIPA accounts).

I just did that, therefore you should be able to login as user now. However, sudo is not configured yet - my proposal would be to setup a group "forum-admins" (only with you?) , and to add a sudo rule for that group via salt. I'm looking forward for your MR for the sudo config ;-)

Actions #13

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Priority changed from Low to Normal

cboltz wrote:

Looks like nobody did the initial salt highstate to configure the base system (which includes SSH logins via FreeIPA accounts).
I just did that, therefore you should be able to login as user now.

Thanks Christian, yep, I'm in.

However, sudo is not configured yet - my proposal would be to setup a group "forum-admins" (only with you?) , and to add a
sudo rule for that group via salt. I'm looking forward for your MR for the sudo config ;-)

I was able to "sudo -i", which is sufficient for me.

Slight problem - afaict, vBulletin 4.2.2 is not compatible with php 7.2, only (apparently) php 7.1. Without a database, I have not been able to verify this.

Actions #14

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

Any chance of getting Leap42.3 installed on a VM ? That way we can:

  1. now: get the vBulletin setup moved over
  2. later: work on improving or moving the setup.

SLE12 might be an alternative, I'm just not familiar with the contents.

Actions #15

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

How about SLE12SP5 ? which is still under maintenance.

Actions #16

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from pjessen to opensuse-admin

pjessen wrote:

How about SLE12SP5 ? which is still under maintenance.

This sounds more reasonable to me. If nobody else is faster, I will overwrite the current forums.i.o.o machine with a SLE12SP5 image next week. Stay tuned, please.

Actions #17

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from opensuse-admin to cboltz
Actions #19

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

I installed redis, to be a little bit prepared for discourse, you can ignore it.

Actions #21

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Closing this ticket, as we can use 15.1 with the new software license bought (by the board?).


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