



tickets #52823


nginx logs on pontifex - being rotated by /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs as well as by logrotate?

Added by pjessen about 5 years ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


logrotate runs every day at midnight, on logrotate.timer.

# cat /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
/var/log/nginx/*.log /var/log/nginx/*/*.log /var/log/nginx/*/*/*/*.log  {
maxage 365
rotate 99
create 644 root root
# -s reopen will use the pid file passed in the config file or the compiled in default path
/usr/sbin/nginx -s reopen

In addition, every day at 00:30, we also run /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs, a small script that does pretty much the same.
Also, as we are using cronologs with nginx, there is no need for logrotate to append year&date. (dateext).

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to openSUSE admin - tickets #108197: pontifex - /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs vs /etc/logrotate.d/nginxRejectedpjessen2022-03-11

Actions #1

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #2

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

Uh, update - we're not using cronolog, it just looked like it - this is from /etc/nginx/vhosts.d/000-downloadcontent.conf

access_log  /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/$year/$month/$year-$month-$day-access.log  main;

Something stop&starts nginx at midnight which gets a new log started, but I can't figure out what it is. I don't see any cronjob nor any systemd timer doing that.
Ah, it must be the "/usr/sbin/nginx -s reopen" from logrotate.
Logrotate does the compression but it never cleans out any old logs. I have disabled 'nginx-compress-logs' in /etc/cron.d/nginx-time-based-logfiles-helpers. I have also amended the logrotate config to not use "dateext" with /var/log/nginx/*/*/*/*.log

Actions #3

Updated by pjessen about 5 years ago

  • Due date set to 2019-06-11
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #4

Updated by lrupp over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Hi there - and a Happy and Healthy 2022!

I'm currently closing old tickets which did not see much change.
If the main concern still exists and should be handled, please re-open by just replying to this Email.

Thanks in advance,

Actions #5

Updated by pjessen over 2 years ago

  • Related to tickets #108197: pontifex - /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs vs /etc/logrotate.d/nginx added
Actions #6

Updated by pjessen over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to New
  • Assignee set to pjessen
  • % Done changed from 100 to 50

I'll continue this here, rather than the new one I opened, #108197

Actions #7

Updated by pjessen over 2 years ago

In addition, every day at 00:30, we also run /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs, a small script that does pretty much the same.

The script also updates a symlink.

Occasionally, these errors are reported to admin-auto:

xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/03/2022-03-09-access.log.xz: File exists
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/03/2022-03-12-access.log.xz: File exists

pontifex2 (download.o.o):~ # l /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/03/
total 158156
drwxr-xr-x 2 nginx nginx     4096 Mar 14 00:30 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 nginx nginx       33 Mar  1 00:00 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx      304 Mar  3 01:34 2022-03-02-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  4726920 Mar  6 00:03 2022-03-05-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  4284940 Mar  7 00:17 2022-03-06-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx 10060608 Mar  8 00:13 2022-03-07-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  7297828 Mar  9 00:09 2022-03-08-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx      339 Mar 10 00:45 2022-03-09-access.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx 12546652 Mar 10 00:09 2022-03-09-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  6964504 Mar 11 00:02 2022-03-10-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  8437036 Mar 12 00:00 2022-03-11-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx      354 Mar 13 00:58 2022-03-12-access.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  5173420 Mar 13 00:20 2022-03-12-access.log.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 nginx nginx  5750752 Mar 14 00:02 2022-03-13-access.log.xz

2022-03-12-access.log contains one line, with an entry for 2022-03-13.

Actions #8

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from nginx logs on pontifex - being rotate by /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs as well as by logrotate? to nginx logs on pontifex - being rotated by /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs as well as by logrotate?

More unexpected errors from this process:

xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-20-access.log.xz: File exists
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-22-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-23-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-25-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-26-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-19-access.log.xz: File exists
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-21-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/2022/07/2022-07-24-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-21-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-22-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-24-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-25-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-23-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted
xz: /var/log/nginx/pontifex2/2022/07/2022-07-26-access.log.xz: Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted

"Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted" - apparmor?

Actions #9

Updated by cboltz almost 2 years ago

pjessen wrote:

"Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted" - apparmor?

I don't see a profile that might be related to logrotation or xz, and audit.log doesn't say anything about it, so AppArmor is a bit ;-) unlikely.

Unfortunately, I don't know what else could cause the permission issue - even if script (and therefore xz) runs as user nginx, it has full permissions on those directories (directory and files owned by nginx:nginx).

(Hmm, maybe add a ls -al in the script before and after compressing the logs? That might give us a hint what's going on.)


One thing I noticed is that you disabled nginx-compress-logs in 2019(!), but your change was moved to a *.rpmsave :-/ (the new/active version has MAILTO added, so please don't just move the *.rpmsave back)

pontifex2 (download.o.o):/etc # head -n100 /etc/cron.d/nginx-time-based-logfiles-helpers*
==> /etc/cron.d/nginx-time-based-logfiles-helpers <==
@monthly   nginx    /usr/sbin/nginx-logdirs
30 0 * * * nginx    /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs

==> /etc/cron.d/nginx-time-based-logfiles-helpers.rpmsave <==
@monthly   nginx    /usr/sbin/nginx-logdirs
# 20190610 disabled, logrotate takes care of it. see
#30 0 * * * nginx    /usr/sbin/nginx-compress-logs
Actions #10

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

cboltz wrote:

pjessen wrote:

"Cannot set the file group: Operation not permitted" - apparmor?

I don't see a profile that might be related to logrotation or xz, and audit.log doesn't say anything about it, so AppArmor is a bit ;-) unlikely.

Yeah, it was a wild guess. I did look at the log too and saw nothing.

One thing I noticed is that you disabled nginx-compress-logs in 2019(!), but your change was moved to a *.rpmsave :-/ (the new/active version has MAILTO added, so please don't just move the *.rpmsave back)

Got it. 2019, that was a lifetime ago ... thanks for reminding me.
I have disabled the cronjob again, maintaining the MAILTO. The "issue" of creating the symlink remains, but I think it is really minor. Maybe it could be worked into the logrotate config.

Actions #11

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

  • Due date changed from 2019-06-11 to 2022-09-11
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #12

Updated by pjessen almost 2 years ago

  • Due date changed from 2022-09-11 to 2022-08-23
  • Category deleted (Mirrors)

Because it's been three years, let me do a quick recap:

  • the nginx package comes with its own logrotate config, which however looks only at /var/log/nginx/*.log (not being used).
  • our nginx config uses access_log /var/log/nginx/downloadcontent/$year/$month/$year-$month-$day-access.log
  • a new logfile is only opened due to logrotate doing nginx -s reopen at midnight.

In essence - the package-supplied logrotate config does not really work because of our logging setup. It is however "needed" to do the reopen every day. I would much prefer a "clean" logrotate setup, but I am not keen to rework the nginx logging setup right now.

New scheme:

  • do a log reopen at 00:00, by cronjob.
  • log compression by script at 00:30, the previous cronjob.
  • amend the logrotate config so it does nothing, and does not get overwritten on the next update.
  • cronjob - will that get overwritten on the next update?

To review next week.

Actions #13

Updated by pjessen about 1 year ago

  • Due date changed from 2022-08-23 to 2023-05-17

pjessen wrote:

To review next week.

That went well - I have just today "discovered" much the same issue on provo-mirror, see #128555.

Actions #14

Updated by crameleon 8 months ago ยท Edited

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Machine pontifex2 is no longer maintained by openSUSE Heroes, closing ticket.


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