action #46598
Test results from SLE12SP4 milestones are gone
Added by okurz about 6 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
[24/01/2019 08:57:12] <mgriessmeier> okurz: did I miss something? or did we lose a lot of 12SP4 GM jobs?
[24/01/2019 09:25:48] <okurz> mgriessmeier: yes, a lot of test results are gone. 12SP3 is still there:
[24/01/2019 09:26:08] <okurz> mgriessmeier: can you report that and escalate? And mention "backup&recovery" ;)
[24/01/2019 10:09:55] <okurz> mgriessmeier: ok, I reported that to RM+PrjM. coolo stated the results were gone for longer already and it might be related to tagging in the parent job group
- Priority changed from High to Urgent
- Target version set to Current Sprint
- Difficulty set to easy
JobGroups::important_builds is only considering this job group's comments. With SP4 the tagging moved to the parent group and JobGroups::tags and as such you see the tags, but they don't matter - and we happily deleted all tagged results soon afterwards.
This is a very unfortunate oversight
Can you point to the exact job group which is affected?
But according to @coolo's description this even looks like a user mistake? Or what exactly should be improved from the openQA-side?
You misunderstood me there - I was trying to give the engineer picking it up a headstart :)
The expectation is: if the parent group has a build tagged as important, the tag is displayed in the job group and that build is important while deleting.
Ok, so I'll make the tag inheritance not only affect the dashboard but also the cleanup algorithm.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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