action #41600
opencoordination #80142: [saga][epic] Scale out: Redundant/load-balancing deployments of openQA, easy containers, containers on kubernetes
fallback mechanism for apache, e.g. on osd
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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User Story¶
As openQA user I want to get human readable info about problems in in case of planned/unplanned downtime
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: is ALWAYS returns html page , no matter what is happening with openqa web service or other backend parts
- AC2: in case of planned downtime showing web page containing estimated downtime and some high level details of what actually happening ( "database upgrade" , "solving space issue " etc. )
- Apache which currently physically situated in same machine with should be moved to separate physical machine and probably getting Load Balancer with second node
- Need to enable apache custom error responses feature which would give users sane error message in case troubles in osd
- to achieve AC2 need to setup mechanism allowing update of custom error responses page on the fly so tools team can share more certain info about planned downtimes
Further details¶
This should be used as addition to email notification. To cover two main drawbacks of mailing list notifications :
1.) there are always people who are not in mailing list but using
2.) there are always people who will miss email notification and will start disturb qa tools team with question "why osd is down?"