



tickets #38072


tickets #70264: Deprecate

can't git pull on because of TLS error

Added by stfnknorr over 6 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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For the openSUSE release notes page, I need to pull a git repo from GitHub that contains a config file and it does not work. (For the moment, I worked around making the changes locally but that is not ideal.)

Trying to git pull give me an error:

relsync@community:~/release-notes-openSUSE> git pull
error: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed

The following software is installed:

relsync@community:~/release-notes-openSUSE> zypper if git | grep -i 'version'

relsync@community:~/release-notes-openSUSE> zypper if openssl | grep -i 'version'
Version: 0.9.8j-

Is it possible that these versions are too outdated for GitHub to cooperate?

Actions #1

Updated by cboltz over 6 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No

Yes, community.infra.o.o is one of the old SLE 11 machines, and indeed have a too old ssl/tls stack to git pull from github.

The obvious fix is to move everything to a Leap VM. We have that on our TODO list, but won't stop you if you are faster ;-)

Actions #2

Updated by stfnknorr over 6 years ago

I don't think I have root access to the machine. Unless you endorse me putting random binaries into the user's home, I don't think I can do much. We'd probably want git pull functionality enabled by the time the Leap 15.2 development cycle starts though.

Actions #3

Updated by tampakrap over 6 years ago

  • Category set to Servers hosted in NBG
  • Assignee set to cboltz
Actions #4

Updated by hellcp over 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from cboltz to hellcp

I think we should move release notes and doc-o-o to jekyll server. I suggest we build release notes as a package in obs (sadly Documentation:Auto only builds for the target distributions), and after is merged, we add it to jekyll server, with /release-notes/ in nginx pointing to /usr/share/doc/release-notes/openSUSE (which might have to be versioned for this to work).

Actions #5

Updated by cboltz over 4 years ago

/release-notes/ is a bit special because the current server does language autodetection based on the Accept-Language header, and delivers the localized file. This is easy with Apache (MultiViews), but AFAIK "a bit" complicated with nginx. The easiest way is probably to server /release-notes/ from an Apache server (the Apache on pinot.i.o.o is bored with only hosting countdown.o.o ;-) and map that directory into doc.o.o with haproxy.

BTW: we had a discussion about doc.o.o on the heroes ML in November and December, (and the mails around it) should help to understand some of the technical details.

Actions #6

Updated by hellcp over 4 years ago

cboltz wrote:

/release-notes/ is a bit special because the current server does language autodetection based on the Accept-Language header, and delivers the localized file. This is easy with Apache (MultiViews), but AFAIK "a bit" complicated with nginx. The easiest way is probably to server /release-notes/ from an Apache server (the Apache on pinot.i.o.o is bored with only hosting countdown.o.o ;-) and map that directory into doc.o.o with haproxy.

I forgot about pinot, we have way too many static servers at this point ;) It is a perfect place for most of the documentation hosting for what it's worth, we should probably salt it (although I stand by that we should do doc.o.o on jekyll.i.o.o)

BTW: we had a discussion about doc.o.o on the heroes ML in November and December, (and the mails around it) should help to understand some of the technical details.

Familiarized myself with it now, I will have a look at the current scripts and start migrating them then

Actions #7

Updated by hellcp over 4 years ago

  • Parent task set to #70264
Actions #8

Updated by cboltz over 4 years ago

For the records - since some days, the tumbleweed release notes can no longer be unpacked on community.i.o.o (rpm zstd compression), therefore I adjusted the haproxy config to serve (only) the tumbleweed release notes from pinot.

TODO list before we can switch over all release notes to pinot:

  • create/copy overview page (/release-notes/)
  • copy over historical release notes (starting with 12.1)
  • check that everything works
Actions #9

Updated by hellcp over 4 years ago

cboltz wrote:

TODO list before we can switch over all release notes to pinot:

  • create/copy overview page (/release-notes/)

That's a part of, so we either build it on pinot now using the perl script, or we wait for the jekyll pr to be merged and host it on jekyll

  • copy over historical release notes (starting with 12.1)

Done, also just in case we ever lose those things, I created a repo to keep them

Actions #10

Updated by hellcp almost 4 years ago

At this point since now it's jekyll based, what do we do about this:

  • Build the website on jekyll.i.o.o and host it from there
  • Build the website on jekyll.i.o.o and copy over the contents to pinot.i.o.o
  • Build the website on pinot.i.o.o
  • Build the website in OBS and install that on pinot.i.o.o
Actions #11

Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Stale ticket, closing.


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