action #25528
Execute membermod via invis-portal
Added by ingogoeppert about 7 years ago.
Updated over 5 years ago.
membermod is needed to add the unix attributes to a computer account. In environments with ad and fileserver on different machines you need to execute membermod after you join the computer to the domain. Samba (as AD-DC) does not support to execute commands after join automatically. Manual on the command line is not easy for windows only admins... This should be made easier by a link or a button on the portal.
It would be nice to copy the "iscDhcpComments" from the DHCP-config to the "description" in the computer object, when membermod is executed. Particularly if your computers are named pc-1, pc-2 and so on...
We can add this functionality to the "Netzwerk" Site of the invis-Portal, but we have to prevent wrong usage.
The Script must check if the node for what it is called has a rid and it should exit without a failure, if not. Without a rid, it couldn't be a domain-member machine.
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
membermod is more silent now. It gives exit-code 2 in case of a host is not a domain-member.
- Category changed from 364 to Developement
- Project changed from invis-server to invisAD-setup
- Category deleted (
- Target version deleted (
- Target version set to 14.0
- Target version changed from 14.0 to Future
- Target version changed from Future to 14.1
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Feedback
To use membermod, a computer must have a machine-account inside the ad, it has to have a rid.
Perhaps we shouldn't combine membermod with adding a host to DNS/DHCP via invis-Portal. Instead we should run a script which tests all machine-accounts for unix-attributes and start membermod if necessary. (Just an idea)
- Related to action #52019: invis-Portal: Add a new function-site added
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
We integrate this in a new function-page inside the administrative section of the invis-portal
- % Done changed from 30 to 100
Finished. mmall as new membermod for all hosts script added.
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
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