15.0 open 1 day late (2025-01-31) Nächste Major Version 39% 11 issues (2 closed — 9 open) Related issues action #67540: Build Kimai 2.0 package Actions action #110265: Info-Datei im transfer Laufwerk sollte korrekte Anzahl Tage ausgeben Actions action #167848: invisAD-server 15 Actions action #167851: OpenID-Provider Keycloak integrieren Actions action #167854: Webserver auf Nginx und PHP auf PHP-fpm wechseln Actions action #167860: Umstellung auf PHP8 Actions action #167863: Wechsel von Kopano auf Grommunio Actions action #167866: ERP-Software Kivitendo und WaWision aus invis-Server entfernen Actions action #167872: invis-Server Toolbox ausmisten Actions action #167962: Stammzertifikat Deployment Actions action #173857: Fehlermeldungen bei der invis-Installation Actions
Future open Version to track ideas for future versions 52% 12 issues (6 closed — 6 open) Related issues action #25198: invis-Server Upgrade System Actions action #36019: We should think about the integration of kopanos libre-office online Version Actions action #37414: Implementation of SingleSignOn Actions action #43424: Add the functionality to create kopano-ressources to the user management inside the invis-portal Actions action #46121: CalDAV to CalDAV synchronization (Server to Server) Actions action #46472: Evaluation: EGroupware Actions action #54389: DNS-Updates via DHCP-Server should be possible Actions action #57308: Domain names are restricted to two parts Actions action #63634: We should publish a list with the expiry dates of all VPN client certs Actions action #67552: Provide a changelog Actions action #81076: DHCP-Server Konfiguration im AD so vorbereiten, dass der Server Routen pushen kann. Actions action #97604: Passwörter von Mail-Konten im AD Actions