action #25454
coordination #25452: [sle][functional][epic] Test multi-module media
[sle][funtional] Provide all-modules medium to osd (was: test requirements: IBS provides a multi-module media)
Added by SLindoMansilla over 7 years ago.
Updated over 7 years ago.
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1 IBS provides a multi-module media (REPO or ISO).
- AC2 This multi-module media have to be usable by an openQA test suite without registration (no SCC involved)
- find out where the all modules medium is provided on IBS and (1-4h)
- adapt to also sync the medium and adds it as ISO to the openQA jobs (1-6h)
further details¶
The use of this medium is described on the yast feature:
- Subject changed from [sle][funtional] OBS provides a multi-module media to [sle][funtional] test requirements: OBS provides a multi-module media
- Due date set to 2017-11-08
- Target version set to Milestone 11
- Subject changed from [sle][funtional] test requirements: OBS provides a multi-module media to [sle][funtional] Provide all-modules medium to osd (was: test requirements: IBS provides a multi-module media)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Description updated (diff)
- Due date changed from 2017-11-08 to 2017-10-25
- Assignee set to okurz
As requested by mawerner, runger and in coordination with sebchlad adding to sprint backlog.
From IRC:
- okurz: Where can I find the single "all-modules-DVD" iso?
- coolo: /mounts/dist/ibs/SUSE:/SLE-15:/GA:/TEST/images/iso/SLE-15-ALL-Modules-x86_64-Build302.1-Media1.iso
[13 Oct 2017 09:02:35] <coolo> same path as the Installer DVD actually
[13 Oct 2017 09:03:26] <okurz> coolo: ok, and on the "latest" one for manual testing?
[13 Oct 2017 09:05:29] <behlert> okurz: at that location is always the latest one that got out of IBS
[13 Oct 2017 09:07:18] <okurz> behlert, coolo: Let me ask differently: I would like to help you save *your* time answering that question that would be raised by my fellow QA colleagues as soon as you announce a beta 1 candidate for testing: Where should the QA colleagues download the latest iso from next to*Installer*Media1.iso ? And not the unpacked SLP repo dir
[13 Oct 2017 09:08:23] <coolo> okurz: SLE-15-UNTESTED/ is outdated anyway - by 17 builds or so since we moved to :TEST
[13 Oct 2017 09:08:52] <okurz> as I'm saying: I would like to help *you* save time ;)
[13 Oct 2017 09:09:05] <coolo> okurz: as such, the QA target really is /ibs/SUSE:/SLE-15:/GA:/TEST/
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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