action #23758
closedUsing directory templates for groupshares, create groups without a share
If we add a new group via invis-portal on an invis-server, the server automatically creates a working-directory for this group. Only the groupmembers can access and use it.
First feature¶
It would be a nice addon, if we could select a directory-template from collection of templates, for creating the new workingdirectory for a new group.
invis-portal launches a shell-script called "creategroupshare". I added the possibility to use template-dirs to this script before. For using this feature it's only neccessary to give it the path to the templatedir as a position parameter:
creategroupshare /path/to/templatedir
To use this feature we have to add the template-dir selection to invis-portal. The selection should be a dropdown list.
Second feature¶
It should be possible to create groups without a share/directory. We will add a checkbox to the group creation dialog to disable the share creation. Default is enabled. We integrated this option in the dropdown list. The list contains "Leeres Verzeichnis" (default), "Kein Verzeichnis" and then the template directories, if there are any.
Third feature¶
The template directory needs acls. We will create a group "diradmins" with sine2. Only members of this group should be able to create, delete or modify the template directories.