action #19540
closed[migration] register_system types too fast for ppc64le
Now ppc64le tests are running more reliably we have found an issue in an existing test that was lost in the noise of earlier problems
This test has a type_string which is far too long to type quickly for the ppc64le architecture: triggers a type_string "zypper lr --uri | awk -F \'|\' -v OFS=\' \' \'{ print $2,$3,$4,$NF }\' | tr -s \' \' | grep "SLE-SDK12-SP2:alnum:][:punct:-*Updates SLE-SDK12-SP2:alnum:][:punct:][:space:-Updates Yes http[s]://.*suse"', max_interval=250, wait_screen_changes=0"
Please fix the test to either
1) use wait_screen_changes=1 so the system only types after confirmation of each keypress
2) use a script instead of such a long type_string
Similar length type_strings probably need to be treated in a similar way
Thank you
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
Richard, appreciated your fixes on Power worker. Thanks.
From the results of recent builds, I could see the migration jobs on ppc64le works much better than before.
Now I am working on poo#17204 to implement migration on aarch64, so I will fix it after that. :)
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
Based on previous work
simply add wait_screen_change=1 for type_string works fine for this issue, but it would spent very long time in case of running many long commands, for example test, if we register base product and plus multiple addons, the validate command:
"zypper lr --uri | awk -F \'|\' -v OFS=\' \' \'{ print $2,$3,$4,$NF }\' | tr -s \' \' | grep "SLE-SDK12-SP2[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*-*Updates SLE-SDK12-SP2[[:alnum:][:punct:][:space:]]*-*Updates Yes http[s]*://.*suse"',
has to be run dozen times which may need hours to complete this single test.
An example of time spent on only check base product urls (5):
07:29:19.0316 15371 ||| finished repos_check sle12_online_migration at 2017-06-26 07:29:19 (1617 s)
So trying to script very long command to shorten typing length and provide 3 typing speed from type_string parameters to try to avoid the issue with execute time consideration.
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
mitiao wrote:
PR submitted:
Above PR merged, and submitted one more fix:
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
Feedback looks better than before, but not 100% solved, like this:
Need slower 'slow type'.
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
mitiao wrote:
Feedback looks better than before, but not 100% solved, like this:
Need slower 'slow type'.
PR submitted:
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
PR merged and will see the result of re-trigger
Updated by mitiao over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
mitiao wrote:
PR merged and will see the result of re-trigger
Looks fine with the re-trigger's result:
Set to resolved.
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:
This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: om_smt_sles12sp2_ha+sdk+all_module_minimal_patch_by_yast
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:
This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: om_smt_sles12sp2_ha+sdk+all_module_minimal_patch_by_yast