action #19540
Updated by RBrownSUSE almost 8 years ago
Now ppc64le tests are running more reliably we have found an issue in an existing test that was lost in the noise of earlier problems
This test has a type_string which is far too long to type quickly for the ppc64le architecture: triggers a type_string "zypper lr --uri | awk -F \'|\' -v OFS=\' \' \'{ print $2,$3,$4,$NF }\' | tr -s \' \' | grep "SLE-SDK12-SP2[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*-*Updates SLE-SDK12-SP2[[:alnum:][:punct:][:space:]]*-*Updates Yes http[s]*://.*suse"', max_interval=250, wait_screen_changes=0"
Please fix the test to either
1) use wait_screen_changes=1 so the system only types after confirmation of each keypress
2) use a script instead of such a long type_string
Similar length type_strings probably need to be treated in a similar way
Thank you