



action #168967


Support setup network for new bare-metal in PRG2e - D10 (SD-169875) size:S

Added by cachen 4 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



5 machines for QE-Performance team in PRG2 to be ‘kind of relocation' for CC reason. 2 of them have arrived and have been installed in new QE Rack in [[ PRG2e - D10]], these 2 new 1 socket machines will be used as replacement for 2 very old UMA machines performance for 15SP7 and 16.

Machine name:

  • 1u-perf01; 1u-perf01-ipmi
  • 1u-perf02; 1u-perf02-ipmi

QE-Performance team and IT team need Tools team kindly support on this network enabling, for machines in this Rack can:

  • be in qe-prg2e-date QE vlan, both NIC and IPMI get correct IP address from and 2a07:de40:b230:1::/64
  • machines has the access to Beijing network

Acceptance Criteria

  • AC1: @cachen is happy with how the network connection of those machines is setup


  • Ask the OP to clarify what we can help with

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Copied to openQA Infrastructure (public) - action #173500: Support setup network for new bare-metal in PRG2e - D10 (SD-173361)Rejectedokurz2024-10-28

Actions #1

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Tags set to infra
  • Category set to Support
  • Target version set to Ready
Actions #2

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to mkittler

I'll see whether I can create a MR on the OPS repo similar to what has been done in #168556#note-7.

Actions #3

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

I cannot just create a MR like because the host are not present at all.

So I created a MR similar to first:

However, there are a few things I'm not sure about:

  • There are not enough ;free_ip spots left. I simply appended the new hosts. I hope this is ok.
  • I don't know the MAC address of the interfaces. There is a rack linked in the ticket description and it has exactly two machines in it. So I copied those MAC addresses. Obviously this might be completely wrong and you were just referring to the rack but the machines have not been added there yet in racktables. I used the MAC addresses of the interfaces ipmi and eth0. Whether the latter is correct I don't know. (There wouldn't be any MAC addresses for eth2/eth3 present anyway. So even if that is what's supposed to be used I would not be able to configure it.) At least it doesn't look like these MAC addresses are already assigned to some other host.
  • It is nowhere stated explicitly that DHCP/iPXE is supposed to be configured as in #168556#note-7 but the ticket title says "for new bare-metal" so I assumed that this is supposed to be done.

It would be nice if you would be more explicit on what you want us to configure when creating tickets like that.

After that is done I can change IPMI passwords and create worker slots like in

Actions #4

Updated by livdywan 4 months ago

  • Subject changed from Support setup network for new bare-metal in PRG2e - D10 (SD-169875) to Support setup network for new bare-metal in PRG2e - D10 (SD-169875) size:S
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by cachen 4 months ago

mkittler wrote in #note-3:

I cannot just create a MR like because the host are not present at all.

So I created a MR similar to first:

However, there are a few things I'm not sure about:

  • There are not enough ;free_ip spots left. I simply appended the new hosts. I hope this is ok.
  • I don't know the MAC address of the interfaces. There is a rack linked in the ticket description and it has exactly two machines in it. So I copied those MAC addresses. Obviously this might be completely wrong and you were just referring to the rack but the machines have not been added there yet in racktables. I used the MAC addresses of the interfaces ipmi and eth0. Whether the latter is correct I don't know. (There wouldn't be any MAC addresses for eth2/eth3 present anyway. So even if that is what's supposed to be used I would not be able to configure it.) At least it doesn't look like these MAC addresses are already assigned to some other host.
  • It is nowhere stated explicitly that DHCP/iPXE is supposed to be configured as in #168556#note-7 but the ticket title says "for new bare-metal" so I assumed that this is supposed to be done.

It would be nice if you would be more explicit on what you want us to configure when creating tickets like that.

Hello Marius, Big thanks for your helping on this task. Viktor is asking us to provide IPv4 and IPv6 addressed for eth0 and ipmi interfaces. My assumption is they need the address for the DHCP/DNS setup. The expectation for these 2 machines are clear, that IPMI/NIC eth0 can successfully get ip address from qe-prg2e-date vlan, then QE-Performance team can continue their deployment from remotely. I hope DC-OPS team has recorded the correct MAX address for these 2 machines, then your MR should fulfill.

After that is done I can change IPMI passwords and create worker slots like in

You can leave this passwords change to QE-Performance team, as these 2 machines will be connected to Beijing local openQA, so they don't need worker slots from OSD. It means as long as the IPMI connection works, all the rest deployment can be taken over by QE-Performance team :)

Actions #6

Updated by openqa_review 4 months ago

  • Due date set to 2024-11-13

Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools

Actions #7

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

Then I think my MR will work as-is. I asked again on help-it-ama to get my MR merged.

You can leave this passwords change to QE-Performance team, as these 2 machines will be connected to Beijing local openQA, so they don't need worker slots from OSD. It means as long as the IPMI connection works, all the rest deployment can be taken over by QE-Performance team :)

Good, that's even better :-)

Actions #8

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Due date deleted (2024-11-13)
  • Status changed from Feedback to Blocked
  • Priority changed from High to Normal
Actions #9

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Blocked to Feedback

The MR has just been merged. I suppose it'll become effective in the next hours. You can try whether you can reach the machines via IPMI then.

Actions #10

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago · Edited

It looks like IP addressed for all hosts are correctly returned by the DHCP server. Unfortunately the BMC is not responding via HTTP or IPMI. (I also tried via

Actions #11

Updated by JNa 4 months ago · Edited

I have tried, and the IPMI connection on these 2 machines are working properly.Thank you.

Actions #12

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

Nice that it worked. So I'm considering this issue resolved.

Actions #13

Updated by okurz 3 months ago

  • Copied to action #173500: Support setup network for new bare-metal in PRG2e - D10 (SD-173361) added

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