action #16538
closed[easy hack] improve isotovideo command line handling and help
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$ ./isotovideo lsdjf
Only results in:
Can't open 'vars.json' for reading: 'No such file or directory' at qa/os-autoinst/ line 72
1672: EXIT 1
There is no warning that a command line parameter has been ignored, this is an issue with the following:
/isotovideo -d /tmp/vars.json
Intuitively I would expect /tmp/vars.json
to be used as the test's parameters, instead it is ignored and the following message is returned
Can't open 'vars.json' for reading: 'No such file or directory' at qa/os-autoinst/ line 72
1734: EXIT 1
There are a number of possible actions, including:
- A1, produce an error and help message on an unexpected command line argument
- A2, treat the first command line argument (which does not start with '-') as the path to vars.json
Obviously A1 and A2 are not mutually exclusive.