action #163787
closed [openqa-in-openqa] autoinst-log.txt uploaded from within the test should always return non-empty content if jobs are actually executed size:S
openQA test in scenario openqa-Tumbleweed-dev-x86_64-openqa_install+publish@64bit-2G fails in
test_running due to #163784
but investigation is harder because as visible in no autoinst-log.txt is found but still an empty file is uploaded.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: test_running_autoinst-log.txt has non-zero content also on incomplete jobs failing in early stages
- Instead of
(cat foo.txt */*/bar.txt ||: | tee …)
consider usingfind … -exec …
or another approach which only uploads a file if it actually exists and does not print confusing error messages - Others uploaded files do not seem to be affected
- This affects any Incomplete jobs in openQA-in-openQA tests, e.g. if CASEDIR is invalid
Updated by okurz 8 months ago
- Related to action #163784: [openqa-in-openqa] test fails in test_running on "retry -s 10 -r 6 -e -- sh -c 'test -f /var/lib/openqa/share/tests/*/.git/config", probably due to transient network errors size:S added
Updated by tinita 8 months ago
I had a quick look and ran find /var/lib/openqa/pool/ /var/lib/openqa/testresults/
in the post_fail_hook:
that's really not much...
When I have an incomplete test locally, I at least have these files in the testresults dir: autoinst-log.txt ulogs vars.json worker-log.txt
Updated by robert.richardson 7 months ago · Edited
- Subject changed from [openqa-in-openqa] autoinst-log.txt should always return non-empty content if jobs are actually executed to [openqa-in-openqa] autoinst-log.txt uploaded from within the test should always return non-empty content if jobs are actually executed size:S
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by tinita 7 months ago
While running the test locally with vncviewer, I realized that the error message does not come from but from
I have to get familiar with how to set that up locally.
If it happens before the autoinst-log.txt is ever created, we might need something else.
Updated by openqa_review 7 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-08-09
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by tinita 7 months ago Improve uploading of openqa logs