


action #163787

Updated by robert.richardson 5 months ago

## Observation 

 openQA test in scenario openqa-Tumbleweed-dev-x86_64-openqa_install+publish@64bit-2G fails in 
 [test_running]( due to #163784 
 but investigation is harder because as visible in no autoinst-log.txt is found but still an empty file is uploaded. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** test_running_autoinst-log.txt autoinst-log.txt has non-zero content also on incomplete jobs failing in early stages 


 ## Suggestions 
 * Instead of `(cat foo.txt */*/bar.txt ||: | tee …)` consider using `find … -exec …` or another approach which only uploads a file if it actually exists and does not print confusing error messages 
 * Others uploaded files do not seem to be affected 
 * This affects any Incomplete jobs in openQA-in-openQA tests, e.g. if CASEDIR is invalid
