



action #15844


coordination #13812: [epic][dashboard] openQA Dashboard ideas

[tools]finish at least one build per day

Added by okurz over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Feature requests
Target version:
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% Done:


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User story

As a release manager of a product with many builds per day I want to have at least one build fully finished and tested so that late jobs are not skipped and I get a full picture of product quality

acceptance criteria

  • AC1:
    • Given a job group with only builds older than 1d (e.g. 2d)
    • When two new builds are triggered consecutively in short time
    • Then the first build is not obsoleted by the later one
  • AC2: (regression test)
    • Given a job group with a recent build (e.g. from the same day)
    • When many new builds are triggered consecutively in short time
    • Then the first build is obsoleted by the later one jobs of older builds are obsoleted after a certain limit of tests are scheduled


I can already think of two ways how to do it:

  1. From the sync and trigger side, on a new build: If there are no completed builds, i.e. with no skipped jobs, within the last 24h, call sync with _NOOBSOLETEBUILD. That's it. That should do no harm if there are builds within the last 24h that are completely finished anyway.
  2. From an external script detect a build which is the most recent one after at least one day, mark it as important by build tagging and remove that comment later on again

okurz prefers 1.

optional: Follow the approach mentioned in #9760#note-8 which is:

  • first check current implementation if changing the priority on currently scheduled jobs has an influence on the test suite or just the job
  • do not obsolete old builds but instead on new iso: if jobs for old build are in state scheduled, set priority-10
  • if priority of all scheduled jobs within one build are all equal 0, obsolete the build

further details

The current manual approach is that the QA reviewer of the day decides this and can mark one build as important.

The time of "24h" is open for discussion, it might be a different time, e.g. 12h, or a number of builds, or a combination of both.

That might be a feature request on openQA itself or maybe on the supporting workflows and the scripts we use for providing media to test.

Also see #9760#note-7 for notes about use of _NOOBSOLETEBUILD


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