action #154063
open[tools] Provide a template for tickets that includes commonly required details
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In the context of a scrum survey (#153286) we got feedback suggesting responses to tickets may be slow. A way to improve on that could be to encourage more details in new tickets that avoid a lot of initial back and forth figuring out the user story.
- Come up with a ticket template to be used for new progress tickets
- Inform users in relevant channels e.g. #eng-testing of best practice for new tickets
- Consider examples of tickets to identify what details are often missing
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Related to action #137837: [spike solution][timeboxed:10h] Come up with a ticket template extension that strongly encourages reproducers and impact be included size:S added
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Tools - Next to future