action #152005
closedcoordination #151990: [epic] Optimize test coverage
Rename support images test suites
Let's address some small renaming in as we are running out of space with longer names (but still we don't want cryptic names!).
The goal is to quickly identify the characteristics of the system to be migrated at first glance.
Some suggestions:
- As our focus in the server and we just add extensions to it, we should replace
. - All image creation should be done via AutoYaST, otherwise we are specifically testing the interactive UI, so it is kind of redundant, replace "create_hdd" by "support_image".
- Replace "ha" by "sles_ha"
- Omit "autoyast" in the name of the test suite to give more space to other information.
- Replace support_image by 'sup_img'
- Add always the system role abreviated in the test suite name except for SLE 12 SP5 where is the default, it is actually important to know which was the system role selected during the installation of the system to be migrated.
- In the same manner is also important to know if the installation happens with all patterns or default ones, for default there is not need to add "def" but for all we can add "all" (I think we don't need to add "allpatterns" because the description of the test suite will be clear enough).
- Instead of writing the test modules in the name of the test suite we can just use sizeS, sizeM and sizeL and we have more than 1 of this type, sizeL1, sizeL2. Basically this indicates the size of the the packages/patterns to be migrated, so we omit migrated_sizeL, and we just write "sizeL" representing the modules/extension contained but not really the number of them but the size in GiB that they represent so we can take that into account to do different migrations scenarios.
They key to determine the size is the Installation Settings screen, ie in "Total Size of Packages to Update" which is a good indicator of how much the system will change (without going into the details). For example:
- size S (default patterns):
- size M (all patterns with a combination of modules):
- size L (all patterns with all the combination of modules, most likely in Misc. group):
- Remove strange nomenclature _module and _modules in test suite names (ie. found in sle 15 sp3).
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Improve test suite naming in support images job groups
AC2: Add basic description (not verbose one) to the test suite
Updated by leli about 1 year ago
Instead of writing the test modules in the name of the test suite we can just use sizeS, sizeM and sizeL and we have more than 1 of this type, sizeL1, sizeL2. Basically this indicates the size of the the packages/patterns to be migrated, so we omit migrated_sizeL, and we just write "sizeL" representing the modules/extension contained but not really the number of them but the size in GiB that they represent so we can take that into account to do different migrations scenarios. They key to determine the size is the Installation Settings screen, ie in "Total Size of Packages to Update" which is a good indicator of how much the system will change (without going into the details).
The module combination is the very important key words in the test suite name, currently we search support images name depend on it, if we transfer to size which means we will search some test suites name with sizex and need click/'mouse on' each one to check which increase the effort not needed.
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 1 year ago
- Tags changed from qe-yam-dec-sprint, qe-yam-jan-sprint to qe-yam-jan-sprint
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 1 year ago
- Tags changed from qe-yam-jan-sprint to qe-yam-feb-sprint
Updated by leli about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to leli
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 1 year ago
- Tags changed from qe-yam-feb-sprint to qe-yam-mar-sprint
Updated by JERiveraMoya 12 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by rainerkoenig 12 months ago
- Related to action #156889: Unify qcow name in support images group added
Updated by JERiveraMoya 12 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
sle 12 sp5 merged, let's continue with the other products.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 12 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
yes, we discovered that unusual situation of old builds retriggered in support server job group, thanks! Resolving again.