action #138488
closed[qe-core] Create production proxy connected to QE-Core AD server to allow ntlm authorization for installations from openQA
Installations using ntlm stopped working a time ago (see #137666) getting stuck in this point: which looking at the openQA logs and searching for proxy=
we can see where proxy is specified.
There is an additional document "ntlm.docx) that has been forwarded to Santiago via email (not sure if should be attached here due to password and other information) explaining the architecture and how to troubleshot it.
IPs of the two server are wrong in that document, as they change recently due to moving of the server, which it might be the cause of this architecture to stop working but might be other issues.
Those two VMs are VMs in server, "ad-proxy" and "ad-server'win2k19". Currently the proxy ip is change to, and ad server is
In general, how it works, is that the machine in openQA specify a proxy pointing to that linux VM proxy and that proxy communicate with the AD server, but we should use the AD server maintained by QE-Core and not the current one which is really hard to say how was configured (it didn't have even a license when inspecting it...).
What was tried, but unsuccesfully was to try to connect the existing proxy to the QE-Core server but some proxy auth error was hit and didn't find the expertise to move forward.
The idea of this ticket would be to create in a similar fashion than exists a well-maintained QE-Core AD server (described here) to create a production proxy well maintained to be able to connect to QE-Core AD server and allow installations, so in the future we easily recover from some problem we find and we can still keep testing this requested feature.
Additional information¶
See this Slack thread with part of the investigation:
Current QE-Core test module to connect to AD Server:
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago
- Related to action #137666: [security] Installation_ntlm_s390x_zkvm doesn't boot in any product added
Updated by szarate over 1 year ago
- Tags set to qe-core-november-sprint
- Category set to Infrastructure
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Target version set to QE-Core: Ready
Updated by szarate over 1 year ago
Maybe we can take a look at this during a Wednesday session?
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago
szarate wrote in #note-3:
Maybe we can take a look at this during a Wednesday session?
ok, let's try, feel free to attach the document I sent you by email if you think can be shared,
that would give others more context. Maybe the ticket needs to be private, idk.
Updated by szarate over 1 year ago
- Sprint set to QE-Core: November Sprint 23 (Nov 15 - Dec 13)
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago
- Assignee set to rfan1
I will try to take a look at this, I think we may need to create a new vm for proxy server with static ip addr.
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago
Do you know what is the standard way to create a proxy server in suse/openSUSE?, I could find doc about squid but for sle 12 sp5 only... SUSE Manager? I would be good to consider that point so the server can be recreated easily and even reuse for other scenarios needing a proxy.
Updated by leli over 1 year ago
- Related to action #151567: Need configure one proxy server to do RMT proxy test. added
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress is filed to ask for static ip addr for my VM
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago
JERiveraMoya wrote in #note-7:
Do you know what is the standard way to create a proxy server in suse/openSUSE?, I could find doc about squid but for sle 12 sp5 only... SUSE Manager? I would be good to consider that point so the server can be recreated easily and even reuse for other scenarios needing a proxy.
I will try to crate a doc once everything works fine
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago · Edited to request static ip address for vm
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago
rfan1 wrote in #note-11: to request static ip address for vm
MR is merged, then static
ip addr can be assigned to the new VM, I will continue to deploy the proxy server on it.
Updated by rfan1 over 1 year ago · Edited
Updated by szarate about 1 year ago
- Sprint changed from QE-Core: November Sprint 23 (Nov 15 - Dec 13) to QE-Core: December Sprint 23 (Dec 13 - Jan 10)