action #137870
closed[tools][retro] try out size:S
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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Motivation¶ is fun and provides more context if persons are generally online, offline, available on demand or welcoming a chat. Let's try it out for some time and make a decision if we want to use it within the team.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: An explicit decision about use/no-use over plain jitsi was made
- AC2: Our team wiki, group chat room topic and event reminders reflect the room to use after a decision was made
- DONE Will need to test with Android => Tested. Works perfectly fine in chrome. It also offers to install an "app" – could be just the chrome window itself – but that also worked perfectly fine.
- Encourage every team member to use it and provide their feedback
- Conduct usual team meetings in for a trial period
- After the trial period, e.g. 1-6 weeks, make an explicit decision about what to use in the future
- Ensure our team wiki, group chat room topic and event reminders reflect the room to use after decision was made
- Documented nice rooms to hang out in the virtual office and provide a link to join at such locations
- confirm that we can use it for free, or setup an instance of our office
Further details¶
The free plan as I understood it supports 15 persons for unlimited time which should be fine for us as a team.