action #134897
The "Scheduled product settings" windows is too small to show the detailed info.
Added by GraceWang over 1 year ago.
Updated over 1 year ago.
Feature requests
- Go to
- Choose one record and click the "Show settings" (the first icon under the "Action" column)
Actual Result:
The "Scheduled product settings" windows is too small to show the detailed info.
Most of the values are beyond the boundary of the window.
Please find the attached screenshot "Scheduled product settings.png" for more details.
- Category set to Feature requests
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to future
a good sign that you use too long variable settings :)
As a workaround you can always click on the id in the left column to get the info in a normal browser window
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to livdywan
tinita wrote in #note-2:
As a workaround you can always click on the id in the left column to get the info in a normal browser window
Unfortunately that's not enough because text still escapes the page dimensions.
Adding line wrapping is easy, though:
A normal browser window has a scrollbar, though :)
@livdywan Thanks for fixing this issue.
The "Scheduled product settings" windows looks much more better than before.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Resolving as per feedback from the OP.
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