action #129481
closedcoordination #110833: [saga][epic] Scale up: openQA can handle a schedule of 100k jobs with 1k worker instances
coordination #108209: [epic] Reduce load on OSD
Try to *reduce* number of apache workers to limit concurrent requests causing high CPU usage
Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago
- Copied from action #128789: [alert] Apache Response Time alert size:M added
Updated by mkittler almost 2 years ago
This would likely only increase the chance of not having an apache2 worker that is free/responsive when trying to serve a UI-related request.
Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago
- Blocked by action #129619: high response times on osd - simple limit of jobs running concurrently in openQA size:M added
Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Blocked
Let's get the existing ticket done first so we know what the impact will be
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Blocked to New
- Assignee deleted (
okurz) - Target version changed from Ready to future
I don't think we need to follow up with this as OSD looks generally ok again and we will go the "nginx-route" instead.