action #129059
closedcoordination #119314: [epic] Milestone testing for SLE 15 SP5
SLE 15 SP5 GMC-202205 - RMT/SMT/SCC status check, milestone build triggering and review
In order to test scenarios using RMT/SMT/SCC in openQA we need to take several actions.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1: Perform necessary checks of RMT/SMT/SCC to ensure products in milestone are synced to
AC2: Trigger with isos post the milestone build for job group Migration: Milestone
AC3: openQA review is performed
AC4: Sync the leap images(gnome,kde,textmode) on latest build for leap migration test.
Additional information¶
Documentation of the procedure:
To sync leap images:
- get the image URL, from leap 15 job group( select the latest build -> search create_hdd_gnome/create_hdd_kde/create_hdd_textmode, in the x86_64 job click 'Logs & Assert', get the URL of qcow (Ex: opensuse-15.5-x86_64-483.3-textmode@64bit.qcow2) through right click on it and 'copy link address'.
- login to OSD server with nis id, cd /var/lib/openqa/factory/hdd/fixed -> sudo wget the url Please refer this ( for the access of OSD server.
Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to syrianidou_sofia
Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Workable
Thanks for picking this one, it is not possible to work on it until official email for GMC released (next week most likely).
Let's keep it workable but assigned to you to have a good view of tickets in-progress everyday.
Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Reported bug: