action #12534
action #12532: Request database dump and the current configuration of the openSUSE services
Setup KVM images
Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago.
Updated over 7 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
While we are waiting for the final hardware/infrastructure setup, we already can start working on different things:
- the basic setup of the wikis
- the migration from the current version to a new one
While the basic setup and configuration should be doable without any further needs, the migration can just be done once we have the database dump of the current installation - so defining parent task #12532 here, but this is not really needed for some first images.
For the MediaWiki update, I just opened ticket 12580 so that we can focus on the KVM images here.
The wiki needs (besides Apache and PHP) at least
- Lucene search
- something to send out mail notifications about changed pages etc. (maybe Postfix with a basic config)
IIRC we didn't discuss if those services should be on the wiki VM or in separate VMs - Opinions?
For the (in comparison small) wikis I'm running, I have everything on one server, but given the visitor numbers of the openSUSE wikis, separate VMs might make sense so that we can distribute the load easier. AFAIK the current setup for the openSUSE wikis is using separate machines or VMs.
- Due date set to 2016-07-17
- Start date changed from 2016-07-01 to 2016-07-17
due to changes in a related task
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Done :-) (actually we have 42.3 images since a while and salt to install whatever we need, but nobody closed this ticket ;-)
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