action #123888
closed[os-autoinst] Clone retry attempts seem to be the wrong way around, retrying when not necessary and vice versa size:M
[2023-02-02T11:16:59.522322+01:00] [info] [pid:7469] ::: OpenQA::Isotovideo::Utils::clone_git: Cloning git URL ''
[2023-02-02T11:16:59.522363+01:00] [info] [pid:7469] ::: OpenQA::Isotovideo::Utils::clone_git: Checking out git refspec/branch 'use_podman_everywhere'
[2023-02-02T11:16:59.997119+01:00] [debug] [pid:7469] Cloning into 'os-autoinst-distri-openQA'...
[2023-02-02T11:16:59.997200+01:00] [debug] [pid:7469] Clone failed, retries left: 1 of 2
[2023-02-02T11:17:04.997519+01:00] [debug] [pid:7469] Skipping to clone ''; os-autoinst-distri-openQA already exists
[2023-02-02T11:17:05.008632+01:00] [debug] [pid:7469] git hash in /var/lib/openqa/pool/15/os-autoinst-distri-openQA: 552d068b96cf247e2191c4ee6af16dc8f016a4f8
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Clones are re-tried up to 2 times in case of failures
- Review the retry logic in os-autoinst
- Extend unit test coverage
Updated by okurz about 2 years ago
- Related to action #123873: openQA test using wheel repo fails to clone: auto_review:"unable to access.*wheel.*Could not resolve host:":retry added
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
- Assignee set to jbaier_cz
Cloning into 'os-autoinst-distri-openQA'
creates an empty repositoryos-autoinst-distri-openQA already exists
retrying git clone will refuse to use already existing repository
Solution would be to delete it and start over
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
It seems I didn't drink enough coffee to read the code properly and I accidentally fixed a completely different bug. As the subject suggests, the problem is in the return codes from the clone_git
. It dies on error and returns 1 on success.
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
Let's improve a bit with
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
- Related to action #123556: os-autoinst git cloning of test case repo can fail with auto_review:"fatal.*unable to access.*Connection timed out":retry size:M added
Updated by openqa_review about 2 years ago
- Due date set to 2023-02-21
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by livdywan about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from [os-autoinst] Clone retry attempts seem to be the wrong way around, retrying when not necessary and vice versa to [os-autoinst] Clone retry attempts seem to be the wrong way around, retrying when not necessary and vice versa size:M
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Let's improve a bit with
The branch was merged, so let's see if it works in production
Updated by jbaier_cz about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
It should be OK
[2023-02-09T16:55:39.427567+01:00] [info] [pid:2401] ::: OpenQA::Isotovideo::Utils::clone_git: Cloning git URL ''
[2023-02-09T16:55:39.904224+01:00] [debug] [pid:2401] Cloning into 'os-autoinst-wheel-launcher'...
[2023-02-09T16:55:39.914523+01:00] [debug] [pid:2401] scheduling boot /tests/install/